You Can Call Me “Coach”

By: Bryce Cebula, marketing and communication manager on November 22nd, 2023

If you call the Museum at 4pm Monday through Friday and I am not in the office, there’s a reason. I am volunteering my time and talents as an assistant coach for the D.C. Everest Varsity Dance Team.  

Bryce after winning the State Championship in 2015

State Pom Champions in 2015


Growing up, my creative outlet was dance. I began dancing at a local studio when I was 3 years old and immediately fell in love. After a few years of learning and developing my skills, I started to compete and found that my passion was for performing on a stage and telling stories through movement. Once I reached high school, I was able to audition for the school’s dance team and continued to pursue that passion.  








Being on the dance team at D.C. Everest was an honor and a transformative experience for me. I spent nearly every day from June through March for four years being a part of a team, which is a huge commitment. There were several difficult days where I questioned if I loved it as much as I did when I was younger. The coaches encouraged us to push through the doubts and fears and to lean on each other when we needed support. It was in the moments performing with my best friends and teammates that the countless hours spent at workouts, training technique, and practicing routines made sense. Because of my time on the team, I learned the power of perseverance and that nothing worthwhile comes without hard work.  


Once I moved back home after graduating college, I was given the opportunity to be a part of the dance world again – this time as a coach for my old team. My hope is to help fuel each girl’s passion for dancing and create a sense of belonging within the team, just as my coaches did for me. It has been a privilege to work with the other coaches, two former teammates of mine, to help our team of 23 grow as athletes and individuals and continue the legacy of the D.C. Everest Dance Team.  


Bryce and this year's team at their first competition.

Bryce and this year’s team at their first competition

Along with being the marketing and communication manager at the Museum, adding coaching to my resume has been nothing but rewarding. I have been able to find roles that bring my passions together. Working in our community in places that encourage self-expression and inspire creativity is something I am immensely proud of. 


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