December 2, 2017 – February 25, 2018
Think about a favorite quilt. Warm thoughts of comfort and the loved ones who stitched and labored to sew treasured family heirlooms are all wrapped up in our favorite quilts. What’s a common thread of their appeal? Quilters and fiber arts enthusiasts share a desire to hone the skills necessary to carry on a tradition that links generations and an appreciation of the creativity and ingenuity woven throughout extraordinary quilts. Wild Fabrications comprises more than three dozen vibrant quilts featuring intriguing, whimsical depictions of animals and organized by the Studio Art Quilt Associates in Hebron, Connecticut.
Throughout the twelve-week Wild Fabrications exhibition, the Museum will offer multiple programs and an artist residency in January, 2018 featuring quilter and television personality Mary Fons, discussing her work and the role of the quilt in American popular culture. The co-host of “Love of Quilting” on public television alongside her mother, Marianne Fons, Mary Fons is a passionate, vibrant speaker on the subject of quilts.
Exhibition Highlights

Thanks to the members, donors, grantors, and sponsors who support the exhibition and programs.
Presenting Sponsor
This project is supported in part by an award from the National Endowment for the Arts. Exhibitions and programs are supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. Marketing supported in part by City of Wausau Room Tax funds. Support for hands-on art-making supplies comes from the Walmart Foundation. Support for the Mary Fons residency is provided through the Community Arts Grant Program of the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin, with funds provided by the Wisconsin Arts Board, a state agency, the Community Foundation, and the B.A. & Esther Greenheck Foundation.
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Enhance and extend your visit; ski at Granite Peak & warm up at the Woodson Art Museum.