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Press Releases

Visit to See Cool Snow Sculpture

Wausau, Wisconsin: A penguin-themed snow sculpture will take shape Saturday, February 20 at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum where Team USA Snow Sculptors, Mike Martino, Tom Queoff, and Mike Sponholtz, will work their winter magic.

Museum Reopens after Proactive Closure

Wausau, Wisconsin: The Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum has reopened after a proactive closure during the region’s coronavirus surge. All safety measures remain in place: mask wearing, physical distancing, and sanitizing; learn more here. Before visiting during regular Museum hours, always admission free, please check for any updates.

Woodson Art Museum Temporarily Closed

Wausau, Wisconsin: As a proactive precaution, the Woodson Art Museum is closing temporarily, beginning Friday, October 9, until further notice, for the safety of all and to help slow the spread of Covid-19.

Woodson Art Museum Director Receives Distinguished Career Award

Wausau, Wisconsin: Kathy Kelsey Foley, director of the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum in Wausau, Wisconsin, received the Association of Midwest Museum’s Distinguished Career Award.

Birds in Art 2020 on View at the Woodson Art Museum

Note: Exhibition extended, September 12 through February 21, 2021 Wausau, Wisconsin: Artwork from 114 artists from throughout the world will be included in the 45th annual “Birds in Art” exhibition, opening Saturday, September 12, 2020, at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum.

Artwork of India on View at the Woodson Art Museum

Wausau, Wisconsin: Spice up summertime by experiencing contemporary artwork featuring the dazzling patterns, vibrant colors, and nonlinear storytelling, resplendent throughout Many Visions, Many Versions: Art from Indigenous Communities in India, on view through August 30.

Woodson Art Museum Selects Artwork for 2020 Birds in Art Exhibition

Wausau, Wisconsin: Artwork from 114 artists from throughout the world will be included in the 45th annual Birds in Art exhibition, on view Saturday, September 12 through November 29, 2020, at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum.

Wausau’s Artrageous Weekend™ 2020 Promotion Not Occurring

Wausau’s Artrageous Weekend, the collaborative promotion of four separate events, will not occur in 2020. Events have been cancelled due to Covid-19 concerns. Art in the Park at Marathon Park will not occur in 2020; it is postponed until 2021.

Museum Programs Supported by
American Alliance of Museums Accredited Museum
Travel Green Member
