I think people love the holidays and this time of year for many different reasons. Perhaps it’s the blanket of Wisconsin snow that acts as the perfect winter backdrop, the endless amounts of food and drink, a white elephant gift exchange paired with an ugly sweater contest, or simply enjoying time with family and friends. Everyone has a holiday tradition of their own and I enjoy hearing stories about how others celebrate holidays with their families, and the traditions they partake in – both past and present.
As a child, I remember that my family wasn’t really the type to decorate Christmas cookies together or wear matching pajamas while opening presents. We still, however, enjoy the holiday season in my parents’ historic log cabin and one of my favorite memories as a child has now become a tradition in my family: keeping warm by the fireplace.

Rumford-style fireplace in the Hausmann house
The fireplace was designed very intentionally by my father, who used a Rumford design, which dates back to the 1790s. The Rumford fireplace is known for its shallow, angled sides and the introduction of a choke, or damper. In the 1980s, shortly after my parents purchased their home and completed an addition built from reclaimed wood found on the property, my father was featured in a newspaper article where he discussed the significance of this fireplace design.

Featured article from the Milwaukee Journal, 1982
I share many memories with my family in front of that fireplace each December – tossing in scraps of wrapping paper and enjoying the heat and intense flames that make the holidays feel like home. The best memories are the ones that make us laugh … I remember getting a cherished gift as a child, one that has since been discontinued after 10,000,000 were recalled due to injuries: the Sky Dancer. The Sky Dancer was a flying doll with wings that could launch into the air when a string was pulled. I put a lot of miles on mine – that’s for sure. The super tall ceilings in our living room made it the perfect location for letting the Sky Dancers loose, because you could really send them up high and watch them float to the ground. After what was likely years of fun with these toys, one Sky Dancer nearly met its fate after being launched into the same fireplace I have spoken so fondly of. Luckily, my dad performed a rescue mission, and the dancer lived to see a few more play dates. Although, it had adopted a new look after it’s heat-inspired vacation, not unlike Two-Face from the Batman movies.

The famous 1990’s Sky Dancer toy
It’s these types of memories and more that make the holiday season so special. I hope that you get to enjoy time with your family and friends this week and that you get to take part in the traditions that bring you happiness. Just be sure to take precautions with any flying toys inside the house, especially those with fireplaces.