Celebrating Woodson Art Museum docents is among the pleasures that was delayed by the coronavirus pandemic.
It’s been more than two years since Museum staff planned a social event – think food and beverages – to honor and thank the men and women who comprise our dedicated docent corps.
On Monday – a gloriously beautiful, low-humidity summer day – docents and staff gathered for a Noon-time celebration on the Museum’s Rooftop Sculpture Garden.
We enjoyed one another’s company and staff expressed gratitude for docents’ commitment of time and their enthusiasm for the Woodson Art Museum.
To complement the summer exhibition, Abundant Future: Cultivating Diversity in Garden, Farm, and Field, each docent received one of four Katie Musolff prints featuring an array of vibrant fruits and vegetables.
Among the highlights of the gathering was recognizing the seven top tour givers, who collectively led 106 tours during just the past seven months.

From left: Pam Frary, Gail Piotrowski, LaVerne Rondeau, Bill Seidl, Carolyn Michalski, Lynne Goheen, and Marguerite Donnelly
Marguerite Donnelly, Pam Frary, Lynne Goheen, Carolyn Michalski, Gail Piotrowski, LaVerne Rondeau, and Bill Seidl each received a blown-glass object created by the Corning Museum of Glass Mobile Hot Shop team during the recent residency. Their collective surprise and delight are evident in their group photo.
The rewards of serving as a Woodson Art Museum docent extend far beyond gifts. The camaraderie among docents and staff is priceless and the ongoing education and learning are invaluable.
We’re always eager to add to the corps. A new docent training class is slated for August. If you – or others you know – have an interest in art, enjoy connecting with various ages, and want to help visitors engage in meaningful Woodson Art Museum experiences, contact educator Catie Anderson via email at canderson@lywam.org.