Tag Archives: woodson art museum

Elementary . . .

Posted on December 09, 2020
Who doesn’t love a good mystery?

Which Room Would You Choose?

Posted on November 11, 2020
The Woodson Art Museum has a new addition to its campus perched along North 12th Street. You might think it’s a birdhouse; it’s not, yet it does have roosts and portals to peek through and discover surprises inside. Although not a library, it does contain books ready for you to read or ideas to inspire a new creation. It’s the Stop-by Studio, filled with free Art Kits and books for all to keep or share.

Making Time for the Little Things

Posted on October 21, 2020
Art projects – no matter how small or silly – are the most fulfilling activities when I feel overwhelmed and, of course, offer of a mental health boost. I’m fortunate and grateful to work at the Woodson Art Museum with creative and compassionate coworkers who not only indulge my occasionally – alright, frequently – odd habits, but often encourage them. This blog post is about one such instance.

Changing with the Times

Posted on October 07, 2020
The opening of Birds in Art, although missing artists, guests, and events of previous years, was a comfort. It is a delight to walk through the galleries and appreciate the beautifully displayed artworks created by amazingly talented artists. Even though artists were not physically at the Museum, shared emails, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts helped serve as substitutes. Happily, four artists and families did visit, which was a highlight of the subdued opening.


Posted on September 30, 2020
With the blink of any eye, we’re mindful that Birds in Art remains on view “only” through Sunday, November 29. Don’t let time slip away this fall. Make plans to visit the Woodson Art Museum and Birds in Art . . . or make a virtual visit to our galleries through videos highlighted by artist-voices. You can revel in the artistry on view throughout the Woodson Art Museum’s galleries and grounds, and time can seem irrelevant.

Birds in Art “Season”

Posted on September 09, 2020
I’ve long felt the public opening of Birds in Art on the Saturday after Labor Day, signified the start of autumn.

Up to the Challenge

Posted on August 19, 2020
Typically during the summer months, I’m happily organizing exhibitions to install in all the Museum’s permanent collection galleries. Covid-19 prompted rethinking installations to increase safety and social distancing. This fall, the west gallery where visitors usually peruse selections from the permanent collection will instead provide expanded space for Birds in Art so visitors can safely enjoy the 128 artworks comprising the exhibition. My next exciting challenge is preparing for March 6, 2021 when all the Woodson Art Museum’s galleries will feature works from the collection.

When Cranes Call, You Answer

Posted on June 10, 2020
Alright, fine; I can’t communicate with cranes. When I say “cranes,” I mean people who work with cranes, which is close enough for me when it comes to blog titles. The crane-loving colleagues of whom I speak are none other than dedicated staff members at the International Crane Foundation.


Posted on March 25, 2020
Although I’m biased, having institutional memories of much of the content, I think everything publicly available provides a good snapshot of what the Museum delivers to our visitors and members, both near and far.

The Helping Hands Behind Origami Success

Posted on March 04, 2020
Throughout three origami exhibitions that concluded March 1, the Woodson Art Museum welcomed more than 1,100 students during class visits. Before closing – or folding – the book on origami and turning to upcoming exhibitions being installed this week., I’d like  to take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the Museum’s volunteer docents who guided students during the past twelve weeks.