Tag Archives: woodson art museum

Summertime Is Fun Time in the Sculpture Garden

Posted on July 23, 2013
Summertime so far has been extra fun for me; I spent the last week in June and the second week in July outside in the Woodson Art Museumsculpture garden. Yes, as a museum educator I was working; first coordinating a plein-air workshop with artist Janeice Linden and then leading a... Read More

First Impressions

Posted on July 17, 2013
By Matt Foss, project coordinatorNearly ten years ago, my wife, Mallory, who was my girlfriend at the time, prepared to travel to Door County to meet my extended family. While I wasn’t concerned about the side of my family that is good-natured and reserved, I was apprehensive about her meeting... Read More

Museum and Mother-Son Memories Entwined

Posted on June 05, 2013
Today my son, Alex, graduates from high school. Part of me is sad knowing my little boy is all grown up, but a greater part of me is proud of the young man he has become and the future that is his, to be discovered. Graduation is a time when... Read More

Construction and the Cardiac Effect

Posted on May 22, 2013
As project coordinator for the Woodson Art Museum’s construction and renovation projects, my last job of each day is to check the blood pressure of our Samuels Group field superintendent, Bruce Bradley. As the one who oversees the work, Bruce can get stressed out by the daily happenings of such... Read More

Party Demystifies Teen Art Council

Posted on May 15, 2013
Teens who gathered at the Woodson Art Museum Friday night became bidders at a mock art auction and amateur detectives solving the case of the missing “Magnificent Cube” artwork. The Teen Mystery Party, featuring food, music, and fun, marked the second “who-dun-it?” event planned by the Museum’s Teen Art Council,... Read More

Adventures in Travel

Posted on April 17, 2013
By Kathy Kelsey Foley, director I thoroughly enjoy travel – every aspect, even with today’s sometimes erratic airline schedules. I enjoy the planning, too – the attention to details as well as the responsibilities that go along with group travel. And, it’s a good thing . . . because this... Read More

Teens Join the Fold

Posted on March 20, 2013
Area teens involved in this third year of the Woodson Art Museum’s Teen Art Council (TAC) have been busy planning programs for teens by teens. This Friday, March 22, 6-8:30 pm, teens are invited to the Museum to learn origami-folding techniques. Area origami enthusiasts, Roger Zimmermann, Michael Schneider, and Roman... Read More

Triple Score

Posted on March 06, 2013
by Kathy Kelsey Foley, director I made a quick trip to the Land of Lincoln last week. Not Springfield, Illinois (a favorite destination of mine; the Illinois State Museum and Lincoln Presidential Museum are not to be missed!) . . . Washington, D.C., also a great destination that’s home to... Read More

Love Is in the Air

Posted on January 23, 2013
By Kathy Kelsey Foley, Director Valentine’s Day is three weeks away, but I’m already feeling the love. In fact, “love” is a theme that permeates our Woodson Wanderings’ posts. We love our work; we love this program and that, and the participants who bring wide-ranging experiences to the table; we... Read More

Treasuring Memories Program Designed for Those Grieving this Holiday Season

Posted on December 19, 2012
Do you have friends or family who are coping with the death of a loved one this holiday season? During Treasuring Memories next Thursday, 2-4 pm, participants bring mementos to incorporate into commemorative artworks. The Woodson Art Museum and Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services embarked on a collaboration in... Read More