Tag Archives: woodson art museum

Extraordinary Chairs

Posted on June 01, 2016
During this busy four-day workweek, the Woodson Art Museum’s crack team of art handlers will take down, pack up, and ship the Walter Wick exhibition as well as lay out and install The Art of Seating: 200 Years of American Design, which opens Saturday, June 4.

Fractures, Fibulas, and Feathers

Posted on April 27, 2016
A fracture of the fibula, at the ankle . . . he’s 14, fit, the pain is managed, and he will go on to kick a soccer ball at the end of summer. My son, Elijah, broke his fibula by missing a step on the back porch – while carrying a basset hound that has wonky ankles and joints (yes, I see the irony).

Hone Your Observation Skills

Posted on April 20, 2016
Seeing birds isn’t difficult; glance outside and birds are everywhere. Yet, what you may not realize is that the birds you see are just a small percentage of the birds in your midst.

The Bard’s Birds

Posted on April 13, 2016
I love old books. I love how they feel, how they smell, and the memories they contain in their pages. One book I was lucky to find in a family collection was a 1850s copy of William Shakespeare’s tragedies.

Free Agent Addition for Team Foss

Posted on February 17, 2016
For my daughter, Lucy, her reign as an only child recently ended with the birth of our son, Brooks. One of the reasons this is a good is because Lucy will have to learn to share. One thing she can share immediately is a love of art.

In Fine Feather

Posted on February 10, 2016
I recently led an overview tour of the Woodson Art Museum’s collection for a group of docents in training. Typically, I do this annually, so for consistency I use an outline. I also produce a list of the collection artworks divided into categories: works on paper, paintings, sculpture, etc . . . I find it provides a necessary perspective on the history and development of the collection. I’m amazed by the collection’s growth over forty years.

Sweet Snow-Sculpture Dreams

Posted on January 27, 2016
While the 2016 snow sculpture took shape at the Woodson Art Museum last weekend, a massive snowstorm blanketed the Eastern seaboard. See how it developed from initial plans to a finished sculpture.


Posted on December 16, 2015
Woodson Art Museum staff gathered on Monday for a holiday luncheon that included good food, tasty treats, lively conversation, lots of laughter, and a challenging memory game. We even had a large tray of curator of collections Jane Weinke’s homemade cookies that have earned her well-deserved fame.

Taking Manhattan by Foot

Posted on November 25, 2015
Recently I spent eight amazing days in New York City. The Woodson Art Museum’s director Kathy Foley and I immersed ourselves in the art, culture, food, aromas, and sounds of the Big Apple during the annual American Art Week. A truly sensational experience.

Ducks in a Row

Posted on November 11, 2015
I have my share of vices; procrastination isn’t one of them. I’m a planner and an organizer. I like all my ducks in a row . . . literally.