Tag Archives: woodson art museum


Posted on November 23, 2016
Pentimenti – my new favorite word. It’s derived from the Italian word for repentance. While waiting for a student tour to arrive, Timothy David Mayhew – a recent artist in residence and expert in Old Master natural-chalk technique – curator of education Catie Anderson and I were admiring chalk drawings from the Woodson Art Museum’s collection. Tiepolo’s Head of an Old Bearded Man with the faint lines of the first attempts still visible, elicited a discussion about the unforgiving nature of chalk; once drawn it cannot be erased or removed. The merciless nature of the medium trains the artist to master a light touch and embrace the ghostly remains of previous efforts – the pentimenti.

Life-List Highlights

Posted on November 16, 2016
Both within and beyond the Woodson Art Museum galleries, I enjoy bird watching and learning about our feathered friends. Like many fellow contemporary birders, I post my sightings to eBird, a website and mobile app. Whether or not you’re a birder, visit the Woodson Art Museum on or before November 27 to experience Birds in Art, a must-see highlight for your exhibition life list.

With Thanks!

Posted on October 05, 2016
There are moments in life that catch you off guard in unexpected ways. During the opening weekend of Birds in Art, I experienced such a moment.

Saving Dishes

Posted on September 28, 2016
While Woodson staff members are comfortable and happy working with all artists in residence, we might just be a little more relaxed around another museum professional . . .

Stress Baking

Posted on September 07, 2016
Finding ways to cope in stressful situations varies from person to person. Some take the healthy route – hours in the gym or a miles-long run. Several friends advocate for yoga. Occasionally, a glass of wine or a cocktail can soothe shattered nerves. For years, I’ve opted for this: when tension puts calm thinking at risk, I take refuge in my kitchen. I take a deep breath, choose one of hundreds of recipes I’ve saved, and mix flour, sugar, eggs, and other ingredients into baked goods – mostly cookies.


Posted on August 31, 2016
Paris. Louvre. Mona Lisa. Montmartre. All words describing their beauty and majesty have been lauded upon them and exhausted a million visitors ago. I had the privilege of returning to Paris and traveling with my seventeen-year-old daughter on her inaugural trip – a truly fabulous experience. She was likewise at a loss for words.

Honoring Our Mothers

Posted on August 24, 2016
My mother-in-law, Esther, celebrated her 97th birthday last week. At her party, Esther was surrounded by her loving family, honoring another birthday milestone. She is fortunate to still live at home, cared for by family members who help ground her when she struggles with memory loss.


Posted on August 03, 2016
Much like when I’m waiting for that fish to nibble on the hook, reviewing the Birds in Art catalogue is a time to savor the birds around me.

Art Park: A Grandparent’s Go-To Spot

Posted on July 13, 2016
As a new grandparent, I’d forgotten – since our parenting days so long ago – how nice it is to have places to take a toddler. Art Park, the Woodson Art Museum’s interactive family gallery, is designed and built by the Museum’s educators and facilities staff to offer ever-changing intergenerational, art– and nature–based activities for drop-in fun.

A Colorful Process

Posted on June 15, 2016
The sentiment “it takes a village to raise a child” is a bit shopworn, but the premise is sound. At the Woodson Art Museum, it takes the entire staff to manage the various aspects of Birds in Art. We tackle this yearly challenge for many weeks each summer.