Tag Archives: woodson art museum

Art Cluster Students Explore Op Art

Posted on January 09, 2019
The Wausau School District’s Art Cluster Program provides a multi-day art enrichment experience for fourth and fifth-grade students with a keen interest in the visual arts. The students begin the program with a visit to the Woodson Art Museum where volunteer docents offer a guided visit through the galleries and educators introduce students to a hands-on art project inspired by artwork on view. This year’s 160 Art Cluster students experienced Victor Vasarely: Op Art Master.

Gifts, Gratitude & Commencing into 2019

Posted on January 02, 2019
Fittingly, I learned something from my daughter’s recent graduation – one of three in our family this past semester. As commencement speaker, she was instructed to wear the stole of gratitude during the ceremony and then give it to someone who’d played a significant role in her college education. Reflecting and looking ahead into 2019, the Woodson Art Museum wants to bestow its “stole of gratitude” upon our visitors – more than 62,000 in 2018 and many more to come. Exciting exhibitions – filled with learning opportunities aplenty – are in store.

On the Level: My Last Blog

Posted on December 19, 2018
After nearly four decades, I’ve decided to hang up my hammer and level, set aside my tape measure, and experience this thing called retirement. I’m proud of what we have accomplished during my tenure and I’m happy to let others carry the Woodson Art Museum banner into the future.

Worth Remembering

Posted on November 28, 2018
Learn more about artist Jane Kim's RGB(ird) painting and why indigo buntings aren't really blue.

Harry Potter & Creatures That Go Bump in the Night

Posted on October 31, 2018
Having my turn to blog fall on Halloween is a real treat! What’s better than spending Halloween evening handing out candy to neighborhood kids all dressed up in festive costumes? Tonight, my wife and I will experience our first Halloween with our grandsons who moved back to Wisconsin last spring.

Momentous Moments

Posted on September 26, 2018
A guaranteed way to increase my blood pressure and heart rate is to ask me to take a moment to be in the moment. Be mindful. Clear the mind of clutter and focus on sensory stimuli. Concentrate on breath.

Fall Migration Musings

Posted on September 19, 2018
Fall tends to be a bittersweet time for birdwatchers. Sadly, many summer avian visitors are moving out of the area, heading south for the winter. Yet, on the bright side, autumn does feature new Woodson Art Museum avian-themed exhibitions.

Living Willow Dreams

Posted on August 08, 2018
Check out Living Willow Dreams in the sculpture garden now and throughout the months ahead to watch its seasonal changes.

Creative Collaborations Benefit All Ages

Posted on July 25, 2018
The World According to Federico Uribe is a colorful, creative exhibition into which more than 12,000 Woodson Art Museum visitors, thus far, have happily escaped to this summer. Two summer programs have made me especially aware of the infectious and inspiring quality of Uribe’s artwork – Summer Art Sessions and a visit with first-year students from the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Central Wisconsin campus.

As the Willow Grows

Posted on June 27, 2018
This week visiting artist and landscape architect Bonnie Gale and her assistant, Jonna Evans, began working on a willow sculpture in the Woodson Art Museum’s Margaret Woodson Fischer Sculpture Garden. The seven-foot-tall domed structure uses ten-foot-long willow rods harvested in New York and transported to Wausau.