Tag Archives: woodson art museum
Not a Fish Tale
Posted on July 10, 2019
An old expression claims that a bad day of fishing is still better than a good day of work. In most cases, that rings true. However, at the Woodson Art Museum, usually the opposite is the case.
Telling Our Stories
Posted on July 03, 2019
I never tire of telling the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum’s stories. Perhaps that’s an occupational hazard. I prefer to think it’s one of the pleasures of my role as the Museum’s advocate-in-chief. Last month, I welcomed Marathon County department heads, County administrator Brad Karger, and County Board chair Kurt Gibbs to the Museum for their monthly meeting. To quote Brad, “We are taking a ‘field trip.’ This is going to be fun!”
This Project Means “A Lot”
Posted on May 29, 2019
While not as exciting as the work done to the lower level gallery, Art Park, or even the Museum’s roof, there’s no mistaking the importance of a tip-top parking lot.
From Line Drives to Line Drawings?
Posted on April 17, 2019
Although I took in a fun afternoon of baseball with friends, I missed my chance to watch someone who is the best at what they do.
Reflected Light
Posted on February 27, 2019
It’s winter in Wisconsin. It snows. It’s cold. It’s windy. Winter 2019 is record-shattering. Records set throughout more than ninety years for numerous permutations of weather data – one-day, one-month, and annual snowfall totals and low temperatures – are crumbling.
From the Artist’s Hand to Yours
Posted on February 20, 2019
I became convinced of the Museum’s need for a dedicated tactile art installation in May 2017, when former curator of exhibitions Andy McGivern and I attended a National Federation for the Blind Tactile Art and Tactile Graphics Symposium in Boulder, Colorado. I’m excited and proud to say that less than two years later, the Woodson Art Museum’s inaugural tactile art exhibition, In Touch with Art: Tactile Sculpture, opens to the public on Saturday, March 2.
Sculptors Who Lunch
Posted on January 23, 2019
Although coworkers and friends have described me as “lanky,” “gangly,” and a “human coatrack,” I love all types of high calorie, extra gluten, extra cheesy, extra crispy, deep fried marvels. When asked what the snow sculptors wanted for lunch, their only answer was “calories.” If you'd like to burn off some calories, too, check out the 2019 snow sculpture and Victor Vasarely: Op Art Master, which remains on view at the Woodson through Sunday, February 24. It’s the perfect place to stop after lunch.
Art Cluster Students Explore Op Art
Posted on January 09, 2019
The Wausau School District’s Art Cluster Program provides a multi-day art enrichment experience for fourth and fifth-grade students with a keen interest in the visual arts. The students begin the program with a visit to the Woodson Art Museum where volunteer docents offer a guided visit through the galleries and educators introduce students to a hands-on art project inspired by artwork on view. This year’s 160 Art Cluster students experienced Victor Vasarely: Op Art Master.
Gifts, Gratitude & Commencing into 2019
Posted on January 02, 2019
Fittingly, I learned something from my daughter’s recent graduation – one of three in our family this past semester. As commencement speaker, she was instructed to wear the stole of gratitude during the ceremony and then give it to someone who’d played a significant role in her college education. Reflecting and looking ahead into 2019, the Woodson Art Museum wants to bestow its “stole of gratitude” upon our visitors – more than 62,000 in 2018 and many more to come. Exciting exhibitions – filled with learning opportunities aplenty – are in store.
On the Level: My Last Blog
Posted on December 19, 2018
After nearly four decades, I’ve decided to hang up my hammer and level, set aside my tape measure, and experience this thing called retirement.
I’m proud of what we have accomplished during my tenure and I’m happy to let others carry the Woodson Art Museum banner into the future.