Tag Archives: Permanent collection

Spring Fever

Posted on February 13, 2019
Many of us hoped that on February 2 the weather-predicting groundhog wouldn’t see its shadow – a purported omen that spring is six weeks away. I, too, hoped for a speedy change of season.

Celebrating Collections

Posted on October 24, 2018
“You’ve come a long way baby,” is a phrase that came to mind as I began writing this Woodson Wanderings blog post. Why that sentiment? As I considered the Woodson Art Museum’s collection, looking for a clever way to present the recent acquisitions, my mind wandered to the “Wish List,” consulted by the Collections Committee when making acquisitions. A six-member subcommittee of the board of directors, the Collections Committee guides all gifts and purchases for the Museum’s collection. The Wish List, developed dozens of years ago, was pages long and featured the names of both contemporary and historic artists whose artwork would enhance the collection and set the world standard for avian art.

Perfect Staging

Posted on April 18, 2018
While I recently watched a broadcast of Jesus Christ Superstar, sang along, and marveled at the costumes and stage designs, it struck me that theater performances are organized much like art exhibitions.

Enhancing the Collection

Posted on October 19, 2016
One of the most exciting aspects of my career at the Woodson Art Museum is working with the artists. Just recently, following the 2016 opening of Birds in Art, I contacted fifteen artists to purchase or accept gifts of their work for the permanent collection. Those fifteen paintings, sculptures, and works on paper join 486 others that have been acquired from Birds in Art exhibitions over the past forty-one years. By any standards that is an amazing commitment to supporting artists and building a world-class collection for future generations.

Falling into Place

Posted on August 26, 2015
It’s a relief when months of planning and managing a hundred details come together successfully. The final touches are being added to three new permanent collection exhibitions.

Choosing Favorites

Posted on April 22, 2015
All but the final touches are complete for a new exhibition in the Woodson Art Museum south galleries. The process began well over a year ago during an Art 101 program.