Tag Archives: Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum

Curator Tours Art Supply Warehouse Like Kid in Candy Store

Posted on November 02, 2011
On October 24, four Woodson Art Museum staffers met in the parking lot at 7 am to take a road trip to Kimberly, Wisconsin, near Appleton. The four of us headed out to visit the Jack Richeson and Company art materials warehouse and studio. It was a perfect day to... Read More

Serendipity Is Our Friend

Posted on October 19, 2011
Programs sometimes come together effortlessly. At other times, gathering information or confirming details can feel like herding cats. Then there is the program that seems to drop out of the sky and into our laps. Such was our experience last week that began with an intriguing email message from formidable... Read More

OctoBIRDfest through German Tourists’ Eyes

Posted on October 05, 2011
I benefited from a “fresh eyes” fix on Saturday while guiding four German media representatives on a tour of the Woodson Art Museum. The Museum was one stop, coordinated by the Wausau/Central Wisconsin Convention and Visitors Bureau, on the Wisconsin Department of Tourism’s fall international tour. 2011 Master Artist James... Read More

Wired for Action

Posted on September 21, 2011
This week, September 20-25, over 700 students and additional visitors will have the opportunity to meet and work with artist Thomas Hill at the Woodson Art Museum. Visitors will be creating wire forms that will become part of Wire Woodland, a forest installation that Hill is creating at the Museum.... Read More

A Note of Thanks

Posted on September 14, 2011
By Cindy Brzeski It‘s customary to send a note of thanks to the hostess after attending an event. In my case, the hostess of the 36th annual Birds in Art opening, Kathy Foley, sits across the hall from me. I’ve thought about how best to convey my appreciation, and settled... Read More

Rolling Out the Red Carpet

Posted on September 07, 2011
Most everyone knows that feeling of looking forward to something special . . . and then, in the blink of an eye, it’s come and gone. Such is the Birds inArt opening weekend experience! We’re at t-minus forty-eight hours or so until we welcome more than sixty-five of the 2011... Read More

Pinch Hitter Comes Through in Clutch

Posted on August 31, 2011
     I love baseball. For those who read this blog and know me personally, this comes as no surprise. I discuss the game often and frequently use baseball analogies in conversation. I have many reasons for being infatuated with the game. The sights, the smells, the nuances of baseball, the... Read More

Teens Have SPACE at the Woodson Art Museum

Posted on August 24, 2011
We’re BACK – The Woodson Art Museum Teen Art Council (TAC) is back in session and starting its second year. The TAC participants that met August 8 to kick off another year are creative, energetic high school teens who do a fantastic job of developing events for their peers. This... Read More

Kids Get a Kick Out of Art

Posted on August 17, 2011
Looking through a camera lens this past week, the delights of art came into crystal-clear focus. It’s been written all over the faces of the children who’ve flocked to Family Fest, the Woodson Art Museum’s new drop-in, art-making festival. The glee, the sheer joy was in their movements, too. Skips,... Read More

Winning with Art History

Posted on August 10, 2011
Last March, I blogged about the Woodson Art Museum’s Art History 101 program. It is designed to appeal to adults who wish to learn more about the broader subject of art. The program is presented in the evening on the first Thursday of every month and repeated over the lunch... Read More