Tag Archives: Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum

Celebrate Youth Art Month

Posted on March 08, 2012
March is Youth Art Month and the Woodson Art Museum is celebrating in many ways. Last weekend, the Museum hosted a reception for the opening of the 35th annual Student Art Exhibition showcasing artwork of north central Wisconsin students in grades 9-12. Visitors congratulated and supported the next generation of... Read More

What Luck!

Posted on February 22, 2012
I always look forward to the third week or so of February when the days are noticeably longer and the sunsets visible from the Woodson Art Museum’s second floor offices are indescribably magnificent. For many years, these late February days have provided watershed moments, so to speak, when I feel... Read More

A Dinosaur Love Affair

Posted on February 15, 2012
Did you go through a dinosaur phase as a kid? Or, like me, did you never grow out of it? Visitors to the Woodson Art Museum are finding their love of dinosaurs to be stronger than ever. The key to re-igniting this passion for our long-extinct love interests is James... Read More

Let Art Move You

Posted on February 08, 2012
We’re on the move at the Woodson Art Museum.   From yoga in the galleries and box step dance demonstrations complementing recent wooden boxes exhibitions to elephant exercises during an upcoming Carnival of the Animals-themed Toddler Tuesday, staff is folding movement into the mix. The reason is simple: moving is... Read More

Community Partnership Leads to Exciting Exhibition

Posted on January 25, 2012
Students, parents, teachers, families, and friends converged for one purpose on Friday, January 20 – student art. Over 200 art enthusiasts showed up to appreciate what the students created. It was wonderful to see parents take pride in their children by seeing their artwork on display at the WoodsonArt Museum.... Read More

Cuba on My Mind

Posted on January 11, 2012
Is Cuba on your bucket list? Have you long wished that it was possible to travel to Cuba? If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you likely know that the Obama Administration has made it possible for organizations such as museums, colleges, and universities to undertake travel programs to... Read More

Woodson Art Museum Teen Art Council

Posted on December 14, 2011
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . . .” In reality, it has not been long ago and it’s in this galaxy that the Teen Art Council or TAC, for short, was formed. This is TAC’s second year and the council members have great energy... Read More

The Gifts of December

Posted on November 30, 2011
I think about December as an opportunity for nonstop gift giving. My interpretation of gift giving might be non-traditional and even unorthodox. For me, a simple act of kindness – whether a gesture or a pretty package tied with a bow – is a gift. You can treat yourself to... Read More

Boxes on the Brain and in the Hand

Posted on November 23, 2011
 Having just completed my first docent training at the Woodson Art Museum, I can say one thing – I’m exhausted and ready for the holiday. Monday was a busy morning for docents and staff who were introduced to new materials and two new wooden-box-related exhibitions in our galleries. Roger Zimmermann,... Read More

Best Chill Chaser: Find Creative Spark at Museum

Posted on November 16, 2011
While the Wausau area is being marketed as the Best Place to Play in the Snow by the Central Wisconsin Convention and Visitors Bureau this winter, the Woodson Art Museum – as always – is the best place to escape the cold and enjoy the view. Last week, representatives from... Read More