Tag Archives: Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum

Hidden in Plain Sight

Posted on July 08, 2015
I confess: I’m a notorious metaphor-mixer – a veritable verbal cyclone of words and dashes. At a keyboard, however, I more capably lasso and tame the beast. So with some trepidation, I use the phrase “hidden in plain sight” to encourage all ages to explore Art Park, the Woodson Art Museum’s interactive family gallery.

Art-filled Milwaukee Excursion

Posted on July 01, 2015
Last week, I had the pleasure of leading a group of twenty-four Woodson Art Museum members on a motor-coach tour to the Milwaukee area. I planned the tour to coincide with the Milwaukee Art Museum’s Van Gogh to Pollock exhibition and added stops to appeal to members' varied interests.

Food . . . for Savoring & for Thought

Posted on June 17, 2015
There’s symmetry among these tasks that all revolve around food; it’s the artistry. Menu planning + grocery shopping + skilled preparation + graceful service = Enjoyment. The social aspect of gathering at mealtime was a thing of beauty during my recent travels with two-dozen-plus Woodson Art Museum members.

Shoreline Retreat

Posted on June 03, 2015
What do you picture in your mind’s eye when you crave imagery to soothe the soul? I first think of a favorite magical lake, rimmed with spongy floating moss, delicate wildflowers, and dragonflies. Serene depictions abound in Shoreline Symphony, a Woodson Art Museum collection exhibition on view in the south galleries. What artwork transports you?


Posted on May 27, 2015
Destination: Sanibel Island and the best beachcombing in Florida. My inaugural Woodson Wanderings blog post won’t be rife with tired “waves-crashing-footprints-in-the-sand-beached-shells-tossed-back-into-the-sea” metaphors. Nor is it conjuring Robert Frost’s path or Jack Kerouac’s road. Instead – befitting a web log – I‘m writing about satellite navigation.

Medieval to Metal, Concluding on A High Note

Posted on May 20, 2015
As Medieval to Metal: The Art and Evolution of the Guitar wraps up this month, I look back and am amazed by the response. I had a feeling a guitar exhibition would resonate with Woodson Art Museum visitors. Even so, I was pleasantly surprised by the extent of the enthusiastic response.

Birds in Art Jury: Museum Director Weighs In

Posted on May 13, 2015
I take my hat off to the 2015 Birds in Art jury and to the 607 artists who submitted work for consideration. The exhibition, now in its fortieth year, is predicated on both: keen-eyed jurors and talented artists.

“Matt on a Hot Steel Roof”

Posted on May 06, 2015
Last spring, the roof looked healthy and vibrant and we expected the original clay tiles to experience many more happy returns. When the Woodson’s design-build partner, The Samuels Group, replaced the windows in the original structure, they noticed portions of the roof needing immediate attention. We saw it, too. The news was sudden, but wasn’t shocking.

Guitar Exhibition Generates Good Vibes

Posted on April 29, 2015
The buzz about the guitar exhibition at the Woodson Art Museum is reverberating statewide and beyond, prompting road trips and repeat visits. Medieval to Metal: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar, complemented by an array of programs and performances, remains on view through May 31. Are you curious about visitors’ impressions and what to expect?

The Many Faces of Jayna

Posted on April 15, 2015
Woodson Art Museum program participants and blog readers know the many faces – and undertakings – of educator Jayna Hintz. From Art Babies to Art Park’s learning-infused play and from hands-on art making to SPARK! shared stories, Jayna’s fine hand and commitment to object-based learning and engagement have been experienced by visitors of all ages, backgrounds, and interests.