Tag Archives: Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum

Bye, Bye, Summer; Hello, Birdie

Posted on August 23, 2017
Taking turns lamenting summer’s inevitable departure seems to be an unofficial, mid-August tradition amongst Woodson Art Museum staff members. “How is it already August?!” “Birds in Art can’t be just two weeks away.” “Where did my summer go?” The good news is Museum staff didn’t waste summer lounging around on the couch or acquiring poolside sunburns.

Collecting Comments

Posted on August 16, 2017
I love to collect Woodson Art Museum visitors’ comments and stories. It’s delightful to see what Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum visitors love, appreciate, and are inspired by during their time here. To me, the recently installed comment wall in the sculpture garden is a treasure trove.

The Wall(s)

Posted on August 09, 2017
Although walls may not seem as crucial as the artwork they support, an attractive and reliable backdrop ensures enjoyment of the artwork.

Wabi Sabi

Posted on August 02, 2017
With a background in sociology and comparative religious studies, I’ve done my share of navel-gazing; with a career in gallery engagement, artwork-gazing is a daily ritual. Imagine my bliss when an art exhibition encompasses more than a process, medium, or movement and extends to a worldview.

Woodson Goes to Washington

Posted on July 19, 2017
Since learning the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum would receive the 2017 National Medal for Museum Service, I have been counting the days until the Washington, D.C. award ceremony. It’s now come and gone. The memories will be with me forever.

This Medal Is Your Medal

Posted on July 05, 2017
Sunshine and dry skies are needed for the Woodson Art Museum’s community celebration on Thursday, August 3, 4-7 pm, in the sculpture garden. Save that August 3 date; we hope the community will bask in the glow of the Museum’s recognition as a winner of the 2017 National Medal for Museum and Library Service – the nation’s highest museum honor for service to the community.

What a Trip . . .

Posted on June 07, 2017
Sweden was fabulous. From the welcoming people and the oh-so-Wisconsin-like landscape to the satisfying cuisine and gracious hospitality of our artist-friends, our filled-to-the-brim days exceeded expectations.

Escher’s Multifaceted Appeal

Posted on May 24, 2017
During the finals days of M.C. Escher: Reality and Illusion, the Woodson Art Museum continues to receive gratifying messages from those eagerly planning trips to visit and their impressions after experiencing Escher’s mind-bending artwork. Projected attendance during the three-month Escher exhibition – on view March 4 through May 28 – was expected to be about 10,000. With just days remaining, the actual total-attendance tally exceeds 15,000.

How We Share News These Days

Posted on May 17, 2017
Read how the Woodson Art Museum shared the news of winning a 2017 National Medal for Museum Service; director Kathy Kelsey Foley writes about recent exhilarating days.

Art as Antidote

Posted on April 26, 2017
On Thursday, April 20, twenty-five medical students – members of the inaugural class of the Medical College of Wisconsin’s (MCW) Central Wisconsin Campus – visited the Woodson Art Museum with MCW faculty. For several hours that afternoon, students worked with Museum educators to familiarize themselves with the Art Museum, exercise their visual literacy and communication skills, and unwind via hands-on art making.