Tag Archives: Leigh Yawkey Woodon Art Museum

The Perfect Situation

Posted on September 25, 2019
The Perfect Situation is the title of a graphite drawing by Sue deLearie Adair that’s among recent acquisitions by the Woodson Art Museum and also encompasses the opening earlier this month of the 2019 Birds in Art exhibition. After months of work, hundreds of emails and phone calls, numerous Google searches, the production of a 134-page catalogue, artworks arriving from a dozen countries, and ultimately the installation in the galleries of 127 beautiful paintings, graphics, and sculptures, the Museum shares the exhibition with the public.

Summer Intern Julia Neufeld Reflects

Posted on July 24, 2019
Interning at the Woodson Art Museum this summer has been an amazing experience. It’s exactly what I hoped for, as I try to decide what career path to pursue. I’ve had opportunities to do a little bit of everything at the Museum, working on various tasks, and experiencing what it is like to work at an established art museum.

Cherished Challenges

Posted on May 01, 2019
I often share my excitement about featuring the Woodson Art Museum’s paintings, sculptures, works on paper, and decorative arts in exhibitions. Because the care of those treasured artworks is vital, I consider the continuing research and education to ensure I’m using the latest techniques and proper conservation supplies equally fascinating and challenging.

Showing Bests Telling

Posted on April 03, 2019
Finding ways to excite and intrigue students means getting creative. In my experience, the popular writing adage “it’s better to show than tell” applies when developing content for guided gallery experiences.

Carve Out Cut-Above Spring Breaks at the Museum

Posted on March 27, 2019
School calendars and cold temperatures don’t need to define or confine springtime excursions to one spring-break week. By scheduling multiple micro-vacations, you can be a tourist in your own hometown and invite friends and family to Wausau for weekend getaways. Plan multiple getaways to the Woodson Art Museum for cut-above visits.

Docent Debut

Posted on March 08, 2017
The Woodson Art Museum is really, truly BTYB – Brought To You By –  volunteers. Dedicated, generous, curious, and enthusiastic volunteers make visitors feel welcomed, add beauty to our grounds, and engage thousands of school children each year.

Re-engaging with Help from Artists and Scientists

Posted on November 02, 2016
Artist residencies enliven artwork on view for Woodson Art Museum visitors, area students, and program participants. Working with guest artists also prompts Museum staff to re-engage and reconsider an exhibition.

Honoring Our Mothers

Posted on August 24, 2016
My mother-in-law, Esther, celebrated her 97th birthday last week. At her party, Esther was surrounded by her loving family, honoring another birthday milestone. She is fortunate to still live at home, cared for by family members who help ground her when she struggles with memory loss.

Good Design, Gardens, and Great Company

Posted on August 10, 2016
A trusty loading-dock cart served as a makeshift coffee bar for volunteers who helped themselves to coffee, tea, and breakfast treats before boarding a motor coach bus headed for a visit to the Fox Valley yesterday.

Settle in for Inspiration

Posted on June 22, 2016
How will sublime design inspire you? Just two weeks into this summer’s exhibition, The Art of Seating: 200 Years of American Design, stories are surfacing about the varied ways design inspires visitors. From prompting life-altering career choices to recalling and making poignant memories, art is powerful.