Tag Archives: birds in art
Birds Spring into Art
Posted on May 03, 2017
With spring comes hope. Hope for warmer weather, a new growing season, and time to get outside to enjoy nature. Spring also brings the return of migratory birds that fled to warmer climates last fall.
Nourishing through Time and Attention
Posted on March 29, 2017
Soaking rain. Frost. Sunshine and fifty-five degrees. Forecasted snow. Spring break in Wisconsin.
My kids and I are enjoying a “staycation.” I’m at the Woodson Art Museum typing away and they are around the house soaking up the no-school vibes. We’ll escape for a day trip to a favorite educational and entertaining venue in Chicago.
Our Newest Master Sculptor
Posted on March 22, 2017
A key component of the Woodson Art Museum’s flagship Birds in Art exhibition is the Museum’s Master Artist recognition for achievement within the avian-art genre. This tradition began with Wisconsin’s Owen Gromme in 1976 and over the years has highlighted the work of an international cast of thirty-six artists.
Posted on November 23, 2016
Pentimenti – my new favorite word. It’s derived from the Italian word for repentance.
While waiting for a student tour to arrive, Timothy David Mayhew – a recent artist in residence and expert in Old Master natural-chalk technique – curator of education Catie Anderson and I were admiring chalk drawings from the Woodson Art Museum’s collection. Tiepolo’s Head of an Old Bearded Man with the faint lines of the first attempts still visible, elicited a discussion about the unforgiving nature of chalk; once drawn it cannot be erased or removed. The merciless nature of the medium trains the artist to master a light touch and embrace the ghostly remains of previous efforts – the pentimenti.
Life-List Highlights
Posted on November 16, 2016
Both within and beyond the Woodson Art Museum galleries, I enjoy bird watching and learning about our feathered friends. Like many fellow contemporary birders, I post my sightings to eBird, a website and mobile app. Whether or not you’re a birder, visit the Woodson Art Museum on or before November 27 to experience Birds in Art, a must-see highlight for your exhibition life list.
Re-engaging with Help from Artists and Scientists
Posted on November 02, 2016
Artist residencies enliven artwork on view for Woodson Art Museum visitors, area students, and program participants. Working with guest artists also prompts Museum staff to re-engage and reconsider an exhibition.
With Thanks!
Posted on October 05, 2016
There are moments in life that catch you off guard in unexpected ways. During the opening weekend of Birds in Art, I experienced such a moment.
Post-it® Note Promises
Posted on September 21, 2016
Whenever I participate in some sort of large, group gathering for work, I always leave with “Post-it® Note promises,” whether literal or in the form of a mental note. These notes consist of follow-ups and reminders for myself stemming from conversations with members of the group.
As is true for many people, meetings with staff or community members always yield mental notes, which are usually fairly easy to address and check off the list. Multi-day events, though, like the opening of Birds in Art is another story.
Seek and Find Inspirational Spark
Posted on September 14, 2016
Make up your own seek-and-find game to play when you visit the Museum to experience Birds in Art with friends and family this fall. Which artworks incorporate the mere suggestion of a bird, perhaps with only a feather, a shadow, or traces left on a sandy shore?
Stress Baking
Posted on September 07, 2016
Finding ways to cope in stressful situations varies from person to person. Some take the healthy route – hours in the gym or a miles-long run. Several friends advocate for yoga. Occasionally, a glass of wine or a cocktail can soothe shattered nerves. For years, I’ve opted for this: when tension puts calm thinking at risk, I take refuge in my kitchen. I take a deep breath, choose one of hundreds of recipes I’ve saved, and mix flour, sugar, eggs, and other ingredients into baked goods – mostly cookies.