Tag Archives: birds in art


Posted on September 14, 2022
While beautiful sunsets occur throughout all four seasons in Wisconsin, especially during the dead of winter, nothing beats a summer sunset, marking the end of a long day well spent outside.

Birds in Art 2022: A Lot to Celebrate

Posted on September 07, 2022
On the eve of Birds in Art previews, things sure look different than they did last year and the year before . . . and we’re grateful. Celebrate with us this weekend and throughout the eleven-week run of Birds in Art, the best indoor bird watching on the planet.

Rooftop Perspective

Posted on August 31, 2022
Watch video in this week's blog for birds-eye views of the Rooftop Sculpture Garden and alfresco options, currently and throughout this fall.

A “Birds in Art” Prequel: Southeast Alaska’s Northern Inside Passage

Posted on August 24, 2022
I’m recently back from an extraordinary experience . . . seven days aboard the Lindblad/National Geographic Venture, traveling from Juneau to Sitka, exploring small harbors and open straits, stunning mammoth glaciers, uninhabited islands, rocky shorelines, lush rain forests and muskegs, and streams filled with spawning salmon.

It’s Always Birds in Art Time . . .

Posted on February 09, 2022
With an annually organized exhibition, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that in one way or another, someone at the Woodson Art Museum is always working on an aspect of Birds in Art. Distribution of the 2022 exhibition prospectus is a priority now, as Elaina’s recent blog and “how-to-submit” video emphasized. It’s a source of pride that the Woodson Art Museum remains committed to Birds in Art; the show will go on.

Bird Calls for Art

Posted on January 26, 2022
Administrative Manager, Elaina Johann, writes about how the ducks in her neighborhood call from a cozy spot while the Woodson Art Museum is issuing a call, too. The 2022 Birds in Art prospectus is now available on the Museum’s website.

Delights from the Driftless

Posted on January 05, 2022
The Driftless area in southwestern Wisconsin makes for a picturesque setting to spend the holidays and serves as a backdrop for visiting artist artist S.V. (Sue) Medaris, who shares relief-printing insights during programs this week.

Familiar and Fresh

Posted on November 10, 2021
The Woodson team is creative and clever, sharing ideas openly and frequently with one another as we problem solve and debate the merits of proposed plans. These exchanges are both rewarding and challenging as we re-imagine programs.

A Museum Mail House Project

Posted on October 20, 2021
After the September Birds in Art opening each year, the Woodson Art Museum takes on the role of a mail house prepping packages for delivery.

“Hey, we’re walking here!”

Posted on October 06, 2021
Two days ago, Museum director Kathy Foley and I returned from New York City. I had never been to New York before. Kathy has been going there all her life.