Tag Archives: birds in art

Fractures, Fibulas, and Feathers

Posted on April 27, 2016
A fracture of the fibula, at the ankle . . . he’s 14, fit, the pain is managed, and he will go on to kick a soccer ball at the end of summer. My son, Elijah, broke his fibula by missing a step on the back porch – while carrying a basset hound that has wonky ankles and joints (yes, I see the irony).

Got to Love Tourism . . .

Posted on March 23, 2016
I was impressed and happy to hear the news last week that the Woodson Art Museum was the recipient of the Wisconsin Governor’s Tourism Award for Arts, Culture & Heritage. Not only is it a major feather in our cap to be honored as a premier tourist destination in the state, but it’s also a testament to the hard work and dedication by every member of the staff to make the Museum a destination for visitors from throughout the region and beyond.

Under Wraps

Posted on September 08, 2015
Adorn a gift with pretty paper and a bow, construct a gate at a garden entrance, conceal an item in a brown shipping box, or rope off a gallery to fuel curiosity and anticipation. I embrace the joy of anticipation. I’m not a “present peeker;” I’ve never sneakily removed tape to prematurely divulge a birthday surprise.

Seven-Foot Roosters

Posted on August 19, 2015
Birds in Art is kind of a big deal. Actually, for four decades it’s been THE big deal in avian art – worldwide. And, 2015 is no exception. Preparation for the 40th Birds in Art at the Woodson Art Museum began after the opening weekend of the 39th, and work steadily progresses and reaches a frenzy about . . . now.

The Right Treat

Posted on August 05, 2015
Today is my turn to host the Woodson Art Museum’s bi-weekly staff meeting. With hosting comes great responsibility . . .

Birds in Art Jury: Museum Director Weighs In

Posted on May 13, 2015
I take my hat off to the 2015 Birds in Art jury and to the 607 artists who submitted work for consideration. The exhibition, now in its fortieth year, is predicated on both: keen-eyed jurors and talented artists.

Special Delivery

Posted on July 30, 2014
Preparations for this year’s Birds in Art exhibition are well underway. We continue to receive a steady flow of artwork with over half of the 126 paintings, drawings and sculpture safely unpacked, stored in a Woodson Art Museum vault, and ready for installation in our galleries. Coming from an international cast of artists, artworks are shipped from all over the world.

I’ll Have a Pabst Blue Ribbon-Tailed Astrapia

Posted on July 23, 2014
Believe it or not, the Woodson Art Museum’s flagship exhibition, Birds in Art, is just around the corner. In preparation, the Museum is looking into potential marketing opportunities to heighten awareness of the exhibition and honor the great work of the artists in the 2014 edition. Inspired by recent projects undertaken by other museums, staff talked about partnering with local microbreweries to develop a craft beer with a Birds in Art theme. It is an intriguing idea and could be mutually beneficial for the Museum and the brewery. We’ve been kicking around possible names of the potential brew, and I personally have taken charge of this task and also volunteered my services for future taste testing.

Birders Flock to Bird City Summit

Posted on March 26, 2014
Throughout the past year, I’ve developed more than a passing interest in birds and bird watching. My interest was piqued last spring when poor weather stalled a variety of migrating birds that happened to end up in my mother-in-law’s backyard, right here in Wausau.

The Joy of Birding – One Click at a Time

Posted on October 09, 2013
Each fall, the Woodson Art Museum presents its Birds in Art exhibition. The Museum’s galleries are filled with over 120 paintings, sculptures, and works on paper – the country’s best indoor bird watching. Cat Bird Over the years, I’ve developed quite an appreciation for our fine-feathered friends and have decided... Read More