I desperately want to proclaim that spring has arrived in Wausau but distinctly remember the 1970 Chiffon margarine ad “It’s not nice to fool (with) Mother Nature.” For now I’m content the weeklong local forecast does not once mention the “s” word. Cross your fingers that we’re rid of the cold, wet, white stuff for a few months.
Hopeful that spring has arrived, I have begun preparing the Woodson’s outdoor sculpture for heat, rain, and hail – basically winter’s opposite. This ongoing maintenance takes the majority of the summer to complete, this year by an intern who begins in early June.
An early sign of improved weather at the Woodson Art Museum is the removal of the white protective cover from Trumpeter Swans, Tony Angell’s beautiful Carrera marble sculpture. Once the snow and ice relents, so does the need to shield the stone from the freeze-thaw cycle that allows water to penetrate its natural fissures. The added pressure on the crevices enlarges them, causing instability in the marble. So far our zealous care has minimized damage.

Visit the Museum and grounds soon to enjoy the verdant gardens, thought- provoking sculpture, and serene atmosphere; bring along a lunch and stay awhile.
I’ll be completely convinced that spring has arrived when we have five consecutive days of sun and warm temps. Any wagers on when that will be?