Among the perks of working at the Woodson Art Museum are opportunities to get acquainted with visiting artists. During artists’ multiday residencies, our paths cross when photographing the programs they lead, chatting in the break room at lunch, or squiring them to local restaurants.

The Garden at Night photographer Linda Rutenberg works with a summer art camp participant on July 16.
Throughout my five years at the Museum, dinner conversations have touched on an origami artist’s daughter’s piano auditions, a printmaker’s search for a suitable house with studio space, a sculptor’s love of duck hunting, and mutual interests in dogs, backyard birding, book clubs, and the challenges and joys of teenage children and aging parents – everyday concerns and interests common to many.
Seeing everyday things in new ways – from different angles, points of view, and lighting – is showcased in the Museum’s summer exhibitions, The Garden at Night: A Photographic Journey and Bartram’s Boxes Remix, emphasizing the power of fresh perspective.
Who doesn’t love that “lightbulb” moment when a conversation or experience sparks inspiration to tackle a task with renewed vigor and enthusiasm? Programs led by visiting artists provide extraordinary opportunities that can ignite ideas for creative ways to approach everyday challenges.
Opening day of the 40th annual Birds in Art exhibition, Saturday, September 12, 10:45 am-12:15 pm, offers opportunities for inspiration from some of the world’s most talented artists. More than sixty of the 123 artists whose work is featured in the exhibition will be at the Museum for the opening festivities. Several will demonstrate various mediums during Artists in Action in the sculpture garden.
Although I often feel a bit overawed by many visiting artists’ talents and accomplishments, I appreciate the occasions to learn from these artists – creative problem solvers, entrepreneurs, and risk takers, who juggle the demands of their personal lives just like all of us.
You’re invited to seize opportunities to meet visiting artists in the coming weeks. During an upcoming workshop for teens and adults, learn about collaborative art making with Bartram’s Boxes Remix artist Bird Ross, Friday, August 7, 1-3 pm; check the events calendar for details and call 715.845.7010 to register. Be sure to visit on Saturday morning, September 12, to meet and mingle with Birds in Art artists.

Bird Ross leads a Thursday evening Art 101 program, a Friday afternoon collaborative art workshop, and a Saturday afternoon gallery walk, August 6-8.
Discover how interacting with visiting artists might motivate you to see the everyday in new, exhilarating ways.