Rooftop Perspective

By: Amy Beck, marketing and communications manager on August 31st, 2022

During the last dozen years, I’ve mused – especially while writing Birds in Art exhibition descriptions – about why humans are so enamored with birds. Foremost – beyond the music and mystery of their birdsong, the marvels of far-flung migration, and the clues they convey about environmental change – perhaps, is flight.

Three young children and a smiling woman gather near a fountain, featuring a large water-filled bowl with a sculpture of four frogs and a lily pad

A young boy looks upward at a large raven sculpture in the museum's Rooftop Sculpture Garden

Even those with a fear of heights dream of flying. Earthbound, we’d love to soar. Amid the weeds and trees, we’d welcome rising up for a telescoped-outward, macro view of the big picture. An overview can offer exhilarating perspective.

So – during this week, on the cusp of fall – come on up to the Woodson Art Museum’s Rooftop Sculpture Garden for a bird’s-eye view.

Take in al fresco scenes of recently added sculpture from the Museum’s collection, the greenery and grounds seen from above, and the panoramic vistas extending into the distance, too.

While breathing in fresh air, listening, and seeing birds circle and soar, time seems to take a refreshing pause before gliding onward.

Visit soon to send your spirits soaring.

Watch this video below, thanks to Museum member Jeff Eaton, for an overview of the space.

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