Meet Me in Art Park

By: Jayna Hintz, curator of education on January 7th, 2009

If I asked you to meet me on Friday in Art Park, would you know where to find me? If you have visited the Woodson Art Museum in the last seven years, you would know exactly where.

Art Park is an indoor family interactive area located in the lower level of the Museum. If you’ve been to Art Park, a whimsical place may come to mind filled with the reading hills, indoor trees, unfinished puzzles, bird costumes, puppets, felt fun, and many other things to discover.

I walk through Art Park on a daily basis to see who is exploring and what areas are used the most and I’ve discovered that play has no age limit. Observing families working together on a large magnetic puzzle or putting on a puppet play is great fun to see. The laughter and giggles erupting from Art Park tell me we’re doing something right. Children and adults are playing and exploring together.

What other places in our area or even statewide offer this type of experience at no cost. Yes, that’s right – free! There is no fee collected at the door of the Woodson Art Museum.

How truly lucky we are to have the Woodson Art Museum in our community. More often and in most other areas, especially larger communities, families would have to pay or be members to even visit a museum. At the Woodson Art Museum, admission for all is always free.

I’ve heard people refer to the Woodson Art Museum as the jewel of north central Wisconsin. I think of the Museum as a whole treasure chest waiting to be discovered; and for those who have found the Woodson already, their lives have been enriched.

Make plans to visit Art Park in 2009 and see for yourself how the visual arts can enrich your life and the lives of those you bring with you to the Woodson Art Museum.

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