Life is Good!

By: Jane Weinke, curator of collections/registrar on June 2nd, 2009

That may sound like a strange comment in these troubling times, yet I feel I have struggled through, and overcome, a huge obstacle. At just five months since hip replacement surgery, I can say I am feeling great – almost 100%.

To prove it, during a recent trip with Kathy Foley to Philadelphia to attend the American Association of Museums annual meeting, I ascended the stairs of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. OK, I did not run up them repeatedly like Sylvester Stallone while training for his boxing bout in the 1976 Rocky movie. Nonetheless, I walked up them unaided. I would not even have considered such a feat six months ago. The photo does not truly show the vast number and steepness of these famous stairs. Well, maybe it does, but I remember them being a more daunting challenge.

So how have I accomplished this remarkable recovery? Foremost with encouragement from family and friends. Second, following doctor’s orders and faithfully exercising using the physical therapy procedures I learned.

Lastly, my faithful pet Parker gets the bulk of the credit. He greets me at the door when I arrive at home and does not take any excuses like “I am tired” or “It’s too cold.” He stands firm until I hook him to his leash and then, sometimes not so gently, pulls me to the local walking path.

While Parker eagerly sniffs every scent left by canines and other friends since our previous visit, I listen for birdsongs, observe the blooming flowers, and talk with other walkers. We both relish the fresh air and enjoy stretching our legs.

Now that spring has arrived and the weather is nice more days than not, you can find Parker and me emulating a Rocky-like training routine along the walking path and declaring – Life is good!





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