I Love Deadlines . . .

By: deanna on June 9th, 2009

So begins my favorite quote printed on bright pink paper and posted on the bulletin board above my computer.

The whole quote, from Douglas Adam’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, reads: “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”

The mental picture tickles my funny bone. But the really funny thing is that I hate deadlines.

Every day I face a slew of deadlines related to grant-writing, preparing press materials, getting ads designed and to publications, payroll, government reporting, paying invoices, writing copy for events calendars, newsletters, invitations, and blogs, etc., etc., etc. My electronic calendar brims with “tickle notes” to remind me of upcoming deadlines lest I forget.

The upside to deadlines, however, is that they keep me on my toes and (sort of) organized. But sometimes I want to rebel just so I can hear the wonderful whooshing sound of one or two missed deadlines flying by!

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