I Feel Lighter

By: deanna on November 25th, 2009

About 300 lbs. lighter! Why? I did a top-to-bottom purge of my office on Monday and Tuesday and it felt fabulous.

The sad part is that when I look around, my office looks exactly like it did on Monday morning when I got to work. No fair!

But I can now pull out file cabinet drawers without worrying about toppling the whole unit or having a volcano of paper spew out. I can fit all the things that need to be kept under lock-and-key in chronological order on their proper shelves. I can even put my hands on current grant files and recordkeeping binders more quickly.

It may not look different, but it sure feels different. I felt almost giddy coming to work this morning, and once I know everything is safely in the hands of Industrial Recyclers of Wisconsin (IROW) for shredding, I’ll sleep like a baby.

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