Daylight saving time ended Sunday.

Thomas Hill, Running Heron, 2018, steel
I was raised in the northern hemisphere and in a family that embraced “spring ahead and fall back.” We adjusted the clock hands to the correct position – at bedtime before the morning it changed to avoid the embarrassment of missing Sunday church service. We dialed the telephone for the official time recording to ensure accuracy and uniformity. The invention of digital clocks meant the whole family was enlisted to code the correct sequence into a household of clocks – a task that would’ve taken one person a complete revolution of the earth to accomplish solo.
This year, my 16-year-old determined to stay up until 1:59:59 Central Standard Time to observe the smartphone clock “flip” to 1:00:00 – a pseudo time warp, wormhole, or something science fiction-like.
I was taught to believe that falling back is easier than springing ahead because you gain an hour of sleep. Do you, really? It’s all a bit nebulous. Hawaiians and Arizonans aren’t buying into it and refuse to spring or fall.
I’m the granddaughter of dairy farmers. Midwestern lore spins the advent of daylight saving as an additional tool for the hard-working farmer to have more daylight for working, and most of the country adjusts times and schedules twice per year to accommodate us. Google provides nearly as many different origin stories as there are time zones.

Mark A. Collins, Tucked In, 2018, watercolor on Arches cold press paper
The Woodson Art Museum – to my knowledge – holds no official position on the efficacy of daylight saving but does change the clocks to reflect the standard time. And the only lore of note is that the founding families wanted the Museum open and accessible to the greatest degree reasonable. To that end, the Museum is open to the public 9:00 am-4:00 pm Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 am-7:30 pm on the first Thursday of every month, and Noon-5:00 on Saturday and Sunday. Thursdays during Birds in Art, the Museum remains open until 7:30 pm.
Though standardized, time to view Birds in Art 2018 is like sand slipping increasingly quickly through the hourglass. Hurry to the Museum to view the world-renowned exhibition before it closes at 17:00:00 CST on Sunday, November 25, 2018.