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Shoreline Symphony Touring Exhibition

As of Sept. 26, 2019, this Shoreline Symphony touring exhibition is no longer available.

Great rolling waves crashing to the shore. Gurgling streams. The rumble of water cascading over rock outcroppings. The bubbling reverberations of small ponds. Combine these sounds with the tweet, whistle, and coo of birds, the swish of wind stirring vegetation and rustling leaves, and you have nature’s shoreline song, a veritable symphony.

Shoreline Symphony comprises artworks that convey the sights and sounds at water’s edge. Mediums include oil, acrylic, watercolor, pastel, graphite, wood, and bronze. Among the artists represented are Robert Bateman, Michael Budden, Ray Harris-Ching, James Coe, Don Richard Eckelberry, James Morgan, and Arthur B. Singer.

Beauty abounds in the forty-six artworks selected to engage the senses.

Number of works:
42 two-dimensional artworks and 4 sculptures; title panel, interpretive panel, and label copy provided
Running feet:
Exhibition period:
8 weeks/shorter or longer periods possible
$7,000 plus shipping
Provided by the Woodson Art Museum

Download Shoreline Symphony touring sheet.

For additional information or to schedule an exhibition, connect with Allison Slavick or call her at 715.798.2477.

Museum Programs Supported by
American Alliance of Museums Accredited Museum
Travel Green Member
