Birds in Art 2022

September 10 – November 27, 2022
Majestic yet fragile, birds connect us with the natural world. Heralding each sunrise and gathering at dusk, these harbingers of seasonal and environmental change endlessly fascinate and inspire. All-new work by the world’s most talented artists provide a splendid array of perspectives and insights. Artwork created by 118 artists from throughout the world comprises the 47th annual 2022 Birds in Art exhibition.

For details about Birds in Art 2022 opening-day festivities on Saturday morning, September 10, check this press release, this events calendar PDF, and the online events calendar. The Birds in Art exhibition opening is part of Wausau’s Artrageous Weekend; click here for details.

After artwork is selected in May, an artist list and other items are shared when finalized and available, as the exhibition is prepared for the fall opening. Check out upcoming programs for all via the online events calendar and see this PDF for fall Birds in Art 2022 and program highlights.

Birds in Art is an international juried exhibition organized annually by the Woodson Art Museum.

Exhibition Highlights

A small reddish brown bird perches on one of about five fungus discs arranged vertically on a branch
A peregrin falcon plunges downward through a blue sky in the background.

Thanks to the members, donors, grantors, and sponsors who support exhibitions and programs. Aspirus Health is the presenting sponsor of the Birds in Art 2022 exhibition. Birds in Art media support comes from Wisconsin Public Radio. Marketing is supported in part by City of Wausau Room Tax funds. Exhibitions and programs are supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. Support for Elizabeth Turk’s Tipping Point: Echoes of Extinction exhibition and public program comes from the Community Arts Grant Program of the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin. A grant from the B.A. & Esther Greenheck Foundation supports the Sean Russell residency. Support for hands-on art-making supplies comes from Wilmington Trust and the M&T Charitable Foundation.


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