Cherishing the Small Moments

By: Rachel Hausmann-Schall, artist residency & adult program manager on November 17th, 2021

Although it feels like I’ve barely had a moment to catch my breath since September and the opening of Birds in Art, I’m settling into my new role as curator of education. I’m enjoying being “thrown into the mix” as part of the education department, working alongside fellow educator Catie Anderson, and education assistant Holly Van Eperen. Catie’s recent blog post describes our upcoming programming as feeling familiar, but with a fresh twist. Tours, museum visits, and popular programs are transforming in new and unexpected ways, and I’m eager to see how these fresh ideas can take us to new places. The education department has some exciting plans in the works for our upcoming exhibitions: What Might You Do? The Art of Christian Robinson, American Woodblock Prints, and Making the Cut.

Unpacking my home studio, with lots of progress still to be made.

Prepping materials for mobile making in the Museum classroom


If my hands aren’t full of paint or glue or feeling tired from prepping art kits and projects for groups, they’re busy unpacking. As I’m settling into my new role at the Woodson Art Museum, my husband and I are also settling into our new home in Mosinee. I’m currently working on arranging what will eventually become my home studio. Time spent away from work means ripping open boxes, uncovering art supplies, and rediscovering my personal collection of artwork.

In both the home and workplace, I can’t help but cherish the small moments with the people in my life. Last week, Catie Anderson and I came to the Museum wearing nearly the same outfit, completely unplanned. From what I hear, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. At home, I reminisce about time spent with friends and family as I unpack boxes of photos, drawings from my nieces and nephews, or wine glasses from my grandmother.

Our collection of glasses

Unplanned, coordination of outfits in the Museum office


Preparation for the next round of exhibitions at the Woodson Art Museum means bustling workshop and classroom spaces. Even through the busy times, I continue to take time to recognize and cherish the small, behind-the-scenes moments.

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