Category Archives: Blog

The Kindnesses of Colleagues

Posted on December 03, 2008
In mid-November I had the pleasure of accompanying twenty-three Woodson Art Museum members on a six-day adventure in the South Carolina and Georgia Low Country. We focused on Charleston and Savannah and the surrounding areas with an emphasis on the arts in the broadest sense of the word, including not... Read More

Shared Moments of Joy

Posted on November 26, 2008
It is the day before Thanksgiving and I find myself reflecting on what I am most thankful for in my life. I am most thankful for shared moments of joy. They happen everyday and connect all of us in an undefined way. A moment of joy is hard to define,... Read More

Birds in Art: The Sun Never Sets

Posted on November 20, 2008
The 2008 Birds in Art exhibition closed on November 9 and after a week of installing four new exhibitions, I’m now busy preparing crates for the year-long four-venue tour. This year’s exhibition will travel to the Lindsay Wildlife Museum in Walnut Creek, California, February 15 – April 18, 2009; the... Read More

Visitors Comment

Posted on November 12, 2008
I have a secret vice. I love reading the notes that visitors jot down and post on our Comment Board before they depart the Woodson Art Museum. Their observations and remarks range from complimentary to curious to compelling. With Birds in Art having just ended on Sunday, this is a... Read More

Visual Velcro

Posted on November 03, 2008
I love this phrase. I wish I came up with it myself. It describes that “gravitational pull” some artworks have. You know it when you see it. Even when preparing for an exhibition’s opening and subsequent docent training, I know the feeling. Some artworks just pull, like Walt Matia’s piece,... Read More

Meeting in the Middle

Posted on October 28, 2008
Most days I am perfectly content to work with and speak only to objects. This might sound like I have gone around the bend but each object in our collection is exceptional and it is my job to interpret that story when designing exhibitions. While working alone has its benefits,... Read More

One Fine Day in New York City

Posted on October 21, 2008
While I love living in Wausau, I never turn down an opportunity to head East, even if the schedule allows for only a one-day visit to New York City. Earlier this month, Woodson Art Museum curator of collections Jane Weinke and I left Wausau on a Thursday morning for a... Read More

Museum Lady

Posted on October 15, 2008
It is Tuesday morning and I am still in such a great mood from my wonderful experience yesterday. On Monday afternoon I had the delight of working with Lincoln Elementary kindergarten students who are part of the Wausau 21st Century after-school program. As an educator at the Woodson Art Museum,... Read More

The Changing Exhibition Cycle

Posted on October 08, 2008
When you visit the Woodson Art Museum to take in the artwork on view, chances are you don’t give much thought as to what goes on behind the scenes to make it all happen. As curator of exhibitions, much of my time – and that of my colleagues – is... Read More

Bird: An International Language

Posted on October 01, 2008
We often talk about “Bird” being an international language because people in every country on every continent have some knowledge of birds. At the Woodson Art Museum, we are privileged to have knowledge of both birds and the artists who paint and sculpt them, including many from well beyond America’s... Read More