Category Archives: Blog

Carving Snow on a Cold Winter Day

Posted on February 11, 2009
Winters in Wisconsin are not for the faint of heart. Daylight grows shorter as we approach the winter solstice and temperatures have been known to dip below zero and stay there for days on end. At times even the heartiest seek shelter to wait out a cold snap in hope... Read More

Wausau’s Artrageous Weekend Is Number 1

Posted on February 05, 2009
Since 1988, I’ve worked on the Wausau’s Artrageous Weekend Organizing Committee, and we met last week to kick off preparations for this year’s September 12-13 event. It felt like we had fresh wind under our wings thanks to being voted the #1 2009 Top Fair & Festival by AmericanStyle magazine!... Read More

A Museum Baby Grows in Wausau

Posted on January 22, 2009
Last week Monday, I peered into my office: the lights were out, a stack of mail was on my desk, the office chair was missing (not to worry, Eric Conklin used it during his residency at the Museum the week prior). Otherwise, my office looked the same. Why would I... Read More

On the Mend

Posted on January 21, 2009
Most mornings at the Museum, conversations with colleagues include sharing our latest aches and pains. We’re approximately the same age so maladies are among the things we have in common in addition to work. These daily airings helped me cope – perhaps also ignore! – the deterioration in my hip... Read More

Artist in Residence . . . or Not?

Posted on January 13, 2009
Trompe-l’oeil painter Eric Conklin is such a master illusionist that cynics among us might question whether his presence in the Woodson Art Museum’s galleries this week is real. Put skepticism aside. He’s here. For real. And there’s a lot going on. To get the ball rolling, exhibitions curator Andy McGivern... Read More

Meet Me in Art Park

Posted on January 07, 2009
If I asked you to meet me on Friday in Art Park, would you know where to find me? If you have visited the Woodson Art Museum in the last seven years, you would know exactly where. Art Park is an indoor family interactive area located in the lower level... Read More

Art Review at the Woodson

Posted on January 02, 2009
January 20 marks the ninth anniversary of the Woodson Art Museum’s monthly Curators’ Art Review. On each third Tuesday, curator Jane Weinke and I meet with people to discuss artworks they own and want to learn more about. The public is asked to call the Museum at 715-845-7010 to sign... Read More

They Dew-ed It

Posted on December 26, 2008
In the introduction to our blog (above), we invite you to come along with us as we muse, inform, riff, and offer observations on day-to-day happenings at Franklin and 12th Street. Birthdays are one of those “happenings.” Usually birthday celebrations at the Woodson Art Museum are low-key. A box of... Read More

Our Holiday Potluck Lunch

Posted on December 17, 2008
Like many work “families,” the Woodson Art Museum staff is a diverse group of individuals who bring varied customs and traditions to holiday celebrations. For lunch on Monday, we came together for a true holiday potluck. “True” in the sense that we had no sign-ups or assignments. If desserts prevailed,... Read More

Bird Is the Word

Posted on December 09, 2008
One of my challenges as the curator of collections is to find ways to tie the Woodson’s permanent collection to its changing exhibitions. Obviously during Birds in Art that connection is no problem. It becomes a bit more difficult with an exhibition like More Than Words. Fortunately, the Museum is... Read More