Category Archives: Blog

More Summer Art Camp Enrichment Opportunities

Posted on June 24, 2009
Looking for something to fill your child’s days this summer? It’s not too late if your child is interested in the visual arts. The Woodson Art Museum is the answer . . . check out our Summer Art Camps for students ages 5-18. Summer Art Camps filled up early, which... Read More

Update: Dancing in the Jungle

Posted on June 22, 2009
We invited the community to celebrate the opening of our summer exhibitions, Frans Lanting: Jungles and American Ruins, at a dance party on Friday evening, June 19. And dance they did!300+ joined in the fun as Latin dance champions Julia Barrington and Todd Teeples taught merengue and demonstrated their mesmerizing,... Read More

It’s a Jungle Here!

Posted on June 16, 2009
Anyone working for an arts organization in today’s precarious economic environment knows that it’s a jungle out there when it comes to raising funds. When I say “It’s a jungle HERE,” I mean at the Woodson Art Museum and that’s a good thing because on Friday evening, June 19, we... Read More

I Love Deadlines . . .

Posted on June 09, 2009
So begins my favorite quote printed on bright pink paper and posted on the bulletin board above my computer. The whole quote, from Douglas Adam’s The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, reads: “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” The mental picture tickles... Read More

Life is Good!

Posted on June 02, 2009
That may sound like a strange comment in these troubling times, yet I feel I have struggled through, and overcome, a huge obstacle. At just five months since hip replacement surgery, I can say I am feeling great – almost 100%. To prove it, during a recent trip with Kathy... Read More

Awesome . . .

Posted on May 26, 2009
a word I overuse. I enjoy saying it – it conveys excitement, wonder, and the “wow” factor. The mobile hot-glass unit from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale is awesome! Through Sunday, May 31, visitors to the Woodson Art Museum have the opportunity to watch glassblowers work their magic and turn molten... Read More

Three Cheers for the American Association of Museums

Posted on May 20, 2009
At the end of April, Woodson curator of collections Jane Weinke and I traveled to Philadelphia to attend the annual meeting of the American Association of Museums. En route I wondered what this year’s meeting would be like . . . what would the “tone” be? In these uncertain times,... Read More

Spring Museum Outing

Posted on May 13, 2009
Turn a nice spring day into a fabulous family outing. Pack up the family and visit the Woodson Art Museum. Once here, head downstairs to Art Park. Seat your family in front of the Ever Changing Landscape. This is the start of your adventure. Try this. Divide the magnetic sculpture... Read More

Memories and Influences

Posted on May 07, 2009
The Museum’s galleries are filled with Native American trade blankets from the collection of glass artist Dale Chihuly along with glass cylinders from his Blanket Series. The exhibition, Wrapped in Tradition, opened April 4 and visitors are streaming in to see the colorful and vibrantly patterned blankets and spectacular glassworks.... Read More

Walk in Their Shoes

Posted on April 29, 2009
The Woodson Art Museum employs fifteen security staff members who work regular part-time hours or a flex schedule – and each of them has my greatest respect. Their duties pull them in two directions every time they come on duty. Why? First, the guards’ primary responsibility is to protect the... Read More