Category Archives: Blog

An Ad Man I’m Not

Posted on September 03, 2009
Have you ever seen or heard a really funny or heart-wrenching television, print, or online ad that makes you laugh out loud or reach for a tissue or get off the couch and DO SOMETHING in response to a “call to action”? When I do, I often wonder what it... Read More

Working in the Presence of Art

Posted on August 25, 2009
I’ve heard it so many times: “Wow, you get to work here. You get to see all this artwork daily!?” Yes, I do and it isn’t something I take for granted. There is something very therapeutic and energizing about being surrounded by beautiful things. The most mundane tasks seem just... Read More

It’s a Goose!

Posted on August 20, 2009
The Woodson Art Museum’s outdoor sculpture collection has grown slowly but steadily since the first installation in late 1983. It seems like just yesterday that a small crew of staff and local tradesmen, including quarrymen and crane operators, worked in cold November winds and snow showers to install Kent Ullberg’s... Read More

The Way We Write

Posted on August 12, 2009
It’s been almost twelve months since six Woodson Art Museum staff members launched “Woodson Wanderings.” We believe that we undertook our blog with a practical sense of responsibility to deliver informative weekly content and also with the mindset that it is better to under-promise and over-deliver than the negative alternative.... Read More

Just Thinking Ahead

Posted on August 05, 2009
Many of us go through life planning for just a few days ahead or perhaps into the next week. Some folks may schedule appointments a few weeks or months out or may plan a vacation six to eight months in advance. As curator of exhibitions, I’m mostly planning two to... Read More

Lights, Traffic, People, Noise.

Posted on July 29, 2009
New York City embodies energy, experimentation, and forward thinking. It was the perfect location for Helen Bader Foundation-sponsored training on Alzheimer’s Disease and Museum Programming. The Woodson Art Museum is one of five Wisconsin museums to receive a planning grant from the Bader Foundation to develop programming for individuals with... Read More

One Mother, One Daughter, Two Museums

Posted on July 22, 2009
My parents never expected me to work in a museum. They sent me to college thinking I’d be an English teacher all my life. Well, that only lasted six years. My husband and I never thought our daughter Kimberly (that’s Kim and me at the Field of Dreams in Iowa)... Read More

New York Recap Coming Soon

Posted on July 16, 2009
Regular Woodson Art Museum blog readers know that six staff members share responsibility for weekly postings in rotation. Curator of education Erin Narloch, on tap to blog this week, is in New York City along with fellow educator Jayna Hintz, training at the Museum of Modern Art for an exciting... Read More

My Day at the Office

Posted on July 08, 2009
During a gathering this past weekend, someone asked what I do for a living. Generally, my simple answer, “I am the curator of collections and the registrar at the Woodson Art Museum,” causes puzzlement. I have become adept at recognizing those who understand the meaning of the words and those... Read More

Chalk One Up for Wausau

Posted on July 01, 2009
While working at the Art Museum, like most professional jobs, is demanding and time consuming, I do make time to get involved with other community events. A few years ago, I joined the board of Wausau’s ChalkFest as the Museum’s representative. Now in its sixth year, ChalkFest is held on... Read More