Category Archives: Blog

Where No Curator Has Gone Before

Posted on January 20, 2010
Community outreach is part of what I do as a museum educator. Saturday, January 9th, I was at EVERCON!* If you have done outreach, you understand the need for a portable dolly, something that can haul multiple plastic bins. Bins filled with the hands-on activity for the day. My bins... Read More

Visiting Grandpa in the Gallery

Posted on January 13, 2010
In Search of Norman Rockwell’s America continues to attract large crowds. On Saturday, January 2, more than 400 visitors enjoyed the exhibition during a five-hour period. You never know who might visit the Museum. One day last month I was told that a woman and her family were in the... Read More

The Way Things Work

Posted on January 06, 2010
We put together five exhibition events calendars each year, and in a sick sort of way, I find the process rejuvenating and exhilarating. The process doesn’t vary much from calendar to calendar, but getting to work and play with the themes, artworks, and mediums that each exhibition holds out injects... Read More

Half a Decade (Well Almost)

Posted on December 30, 2009
In a couple days we’ll welcome the New Year, closing the chapter on the 00s. Time to reflect, be thankful, and make resolutions for the upcoming year. 2010 marks my fifth year at the Woodson Art Museum (actually I started in August of 2005 – but for the sake of... Read More

Cookie Time

Posted on December 22, 2009
It’s the time of year when I become a slave to tradition. The Wagner family had many Christmas rituals: cutting a Christmas tree, sledding at Thom Field, visiting relatives near and far, and the dreaded Christmas baking. If ever there was a time when my sister, brother, and I could... Read More


Posted on December 16, 2009
We like to keep Woodson Art Museum visitors on their toes. What do I mean by this statement? When you visit an art museum, you generally know what to expect . . . artworks on gallery walls. And you’ll certainly find that when you visit the Woodson. You’ll also find... Read More

Treasuring Memories

Posted on December 10, 2009
Have you ever witnessed a moment when someone couldn’t express their grief through words, but could create an artwork in memory of a loved one lost? I’ve had the privilege of witnessing such a moment. Three years ago Amy Kitsembel from Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services contacted me to... Read More

Mr. Rockwell Comes to Wausau

Posted on December 02, 2009
Norman Rockwell, in the form of Indianapolis-based character actor Sam Harper, is in the middle of a week-long Woodson Art Museum residency. Harper’s resemblance to Rockwell is uncanny. As Mr. Rockwell, Sam not only has the demeanor of the great American artist, but also has mastered his idiosyncrasies. Thus far,... Read More

I Feel Lighter

Posted on November 25, 2009
About 300 lbs. lighter! Why? I did a top-to-bottom purge of my office on Monday and Tuesday and it felt fabulous. The sad part is that when I look around, my office looks exactly like it did on Monday morning when I got to work. No fair! But I can... Read More

A Mark Is Made

Posted on November 17, 2009
Inspiration comes in various forms – from beauty encountered in everyday topics discussed on the news or a chance meeting with someone who awakens possibilities within you. Wherever it comes from, I LOVE when people get inspired. I have the great pleasure of being inspired daily – by a colleague,... Read More