Category Archives: Blog

Live from LA

Posted on May 26, 2010
I’m in Los Angeles for the annual meeting of the American Association of Museums. I’m not only attending programs, I’m also a presenter, which comes with a degree of anxiety. My session, “Cultivating Communities: Museum Outreach in Healthcare Settings,” was among those offered in the first time slot. That’s not... Read More

A Howling Good Time

Posted on May 19, 2010
Taking a professional portrait photograph isn’t easy. The subject poses for the camera and multiple shots often are required from various angles and light settings just to get the photograph right. If the subject is a young child, this process is that much more difficult, especially if the child has... Read More

Another (A)Typical Week

Posted on May 12, 2010
If I’ve learned anything working at the Woodson Art Museum, it’s that there is no such thing as a typical week. What’s going down this week in my office? Working on a National Endowment for the Arts grant application for an exhibition that opens January 29, 2011: Good Designs: Stories... Read More


Posted on May 05, 2010
If you haven’t been to the Woodson Art Museum lately, you’re missing out big time –especially those of you who, like me, love dogs. The galleries are filled with wagging tails and tongues, canine and human smiles, perky and floppy ears, and paws down my favorite – the head tilt... Read More

The Making of an Exhibition

Posted on April 28, 2010
As I struggled over a blog topic, I remembered some practical advice – “Write what you know!” Amazingly, an idea came to mind. For many years the Woodson Art Museum has organized thematic exhibitions drawn from the permanent collection to share with other museums. The industry jargon is “traveling exhibition.”... Read More

On the Road Again

Posted on April 21, 2010
As this blog entry is being posted, I’m en route to St. Louis with twenty-two Woodson Art Museum members for a four-day travel adventure. I’m no stranger to travel or to accompanying groups, but I have to confess that the lead-up to each departure is a mix of excitement and... Read More

Visual Arts Classic

Posted on April 14, 2010
It’s 4:45 a.m. I know because my alarm clock is screaming a song. I jump out of bed. An adrenaline rush hits me. I need to be on the road by 5:30 a.m. at the latest! Shower, brush teeth, and the morning routine continues while I try not to wake... Read More

Tim’s Time at the Woodson

Posted on April 07, 2010
The Museum recently said goodbye to Tim Oelke, who joined the Museum in July on a temporary basis through the Summer Youth Employment Program of the North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board. Funding for this training program was made possible by the American Recovery Reinvestment Act of 2009. Tim took... Read More

A Walk Down the Hall

Posted on April 01, 2010
I just came back from my early afternoon trek to the breakroom for a Diet Coke. It’s a walk I always enjoy because I never know what I’m going to encounter along the way.Kathy Foley’s office is right across the hall from mine so I might get a peek of... Read More

Lists, Notes, and Post-Its . . .

Posted on March 24, 2010
As I write this, the lists, notes, and Post-Its that litter my desk, monitor, and calendar overwhelm me. The way they lay jumbled in a pile or surrounding my computer screen can make me feel claustrophobic about all the “stuff” going on. But, a part of me also feels better... Read More