Category Archives: Blog

Hard Work and Serendipity Bring Sweet Rewards

Posted on August 04, 2010
During the four short weeks that I’ve worked at the Woodson Art Museum, I marvel daily at the bit of serendipity that brought me here. Each day that I drive up the Franklin Street hill toward the Museum, I’m thankful for the job and for such a stunningly gorgeous place... Read More

Museum Memories Travel Digitally

Posted on July 29, 2010
I’m currently working on a graduate degree in Museum Studies through Johns Hopkins University. How do I attend classes, you might wonder. I connect with content, professors, and classmates, utilizing a wide range of technologies. Our online interface, Sakai, acts as our virtual classroom; Google Wave and Wikis are used... Read More

Curator’s Checklist

Posted on July 21, 2010
In my June 9 blog post I promised to share the subsequent steps to complete the proofing and printing of the Birds in Art catalog. The presses are scheduled to run August 3-4, so I can’t share that information quite yet. Stay tuned. During the last few weeks my days... Read More

Endings and Beginnings

Posted on July 14, 2010
Change doesn’t come easy to most people, and I’m no exception. When thirty-three-year Woodson Art Museum veteran Marcia Theel told me that she would retire in July, I have to admit that I was in denial. Yes, denial. In fact, I initially didn’t open her official retirement letter in the... Read More

We Love Summer Art Campers!

Posted on July 08, 2010
Summer has arrived and so have art camps at the Woodson Art Museum. Seventy-two students will participate in one of five camps at the Museum over the next two weeks.We’re in the midst of week one focused on children ages 5-11. It’s a high-energy week; a treat to work with... Read More

Team Woodson v. Team Soccer

Posted on June 30, 2010
Every four years I’m conflicted between my duties at the Art Museum and my desire to make time to watch the World Cup. This year’s tournament in South Africa was no exception. Team USA drew a good grouping that offered the potential for advancement. With a bit of luck and... Read More

Swan Song

Posted on June 23, 2010
I knew this day would come – and now it’s bearing down on me. I’m retiring on July 2 after 33 years at the Woodson Art Museum! Where have these years gone? My children were 6 and 10 years old in 1977 and they’re now 39 and 43! I was... Read More

I’ve Got the Travel Bug

Posted on June 16, 2010
The last couple weeks have been a blur of airports, buses, trains, subways, museums, conferences, and workshops. These aren’t necessarily the venues that come to mind when you think museum educator; however, my recent activities have been anything but typical. Back in January I responded to a call for proposals... Read More

Behind the Camera

Posted on June 09, 2010
It’s Birds in Art catalogue time. As part of the ambitious production team, I began the first of my responsibilities yesterday. For the most part, artists supply the required high-quality digital images reproduced in the catalogue. As a courtesy to those who don’t have access to a qualified photographer, the... Read More

Aboard the African Queen

Posted on June 02, 2010
I boarded the African Queen, so to speak, early Sunday morning, May 23, at Paramount Studios in Los Angeles. No, I haven’t lost it (yet). I was among a couple hundred American Association of Museums annual meeting attendees who took advantage of an invitation to attend a screening of the... Read More