Category Archives: Blog

Snow Sculptors Display Magic in Motion

Posted on March 02, 2011
Team USA snow sculptors say they’re just big kids who like to play in the snow. But after seeing them toil in bitterly cold conditions hour after hour, it’s clear that this trio is driven by a white-hot determination to deliver. For twenty-two years, Mike Martino, Tom Queoff and Mike... Read More

Hats off to Toggling

Posted on February 23, 2011
Multitasking, juggling, TCOB (taking care of business), putting out fires: we all have our own “catch phrase” to express doing many things at once. I’ve heard that women are better at it then men and that “tech-natives” (20 somethings and younger) are often called “togglers” for their ability to shift... Read More

The Changing Face of Student Art

Posted on February 16, 2011
It seems like yesterday. In reality it was April 1979, when I came to the Woodson Art Museum for a job interview. During a tour of the facility we entered a room filled with colorful artworks piled on sawhorses covered with boards. It was definitely not an exhibition space but... Read More

Playing in the Snow

Posted on February 09, 2011
There’s an old joke about art historians and how we fall asleep when the lights go on! ** Left to right: Mike Martino, Tom Queoff, Mike Sponholtz If you follow this “logic,” Team USA Snow Sculptors – Mike Martino, Tom Queoff, and Mike Sponholtz – come to life when the... Read More

Who’s Afraid of Icy Roads? Not this SPARK! Advocate

Posted on February 03, 2011
It’s 7 am on January 27, and I’m off to Superior, Wisconsin, to attend a conference, “Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies throughout the Second Half of Life.” I’ve rented an SUV with all-wheel drive and feel confident that I’ll arrive in one piece. I made it as far as Colby... Read More

So Much to Do; No Time for Words

Posted on January 26, 2011
Since a picture is worth a thousand words – so the adage goes – I’m going to let these installation-in-progress photos serve as my blog post this week. We’re up to our eyeballs with unpacking/installing details. Good Design: Stories from Herman Miller is an ambitious installation undertaking. That said, the... Read More

Classroom Learning + Workplace Application = Enhanced Education

Posted on January 19, 2011
It’s a topsy-turvy world. A year ago, I was a student at Northcentral Technical College. This week, an NTC marketing instructor is job shadowing me at the Woodson Art Museum, to see how a non-profit art museum carries out its marketing efforts. How quickly things can change. Doors can open,... Read More

Live from New York, It’s Erin’s Onsite!

Posted on January 11, 2011
On January 2, when people grudgingly started their New Year’s resolutions, I boarded a plane bound for the Big Apple. Why? I’m taking part in my graduate program’s onsite seminar. As a Johns Hopkins University graduate student in Museum Studies, a distance learning program, I spend most of my time... Read More

Year-end Review Shows Impressive Woodson Collection

Posted on January 05, 2011
Throughout the past few weeks, newspaper, magazine, and television reporters have done stories about 2010: the year in review. Some of the memories are uplifting, while others. . . . Remember the anguish waiting for the Chilean miners to be rescued? Or, the lurching of your stomach as images of... Read More

Resolve to Keep Art in HeART of New Year

Posted on December 29, 2010
While year-end is a time for reflection, it is also a time to look ahead, consider new ventures, and make resolutions, too. If you’ve ever considered volunteering your time and talents at the Woodson Art Museum, bundling those thoughts into a positive New Year’s resolution is just the thing to... Read More