Category Archives: Blog

Spring, Oh Spring, Where Are You?

Posted on May 11, 2011
I desperately want to proclaim that spring has arrived in Wausau but distinctly remember the 1970 Chiffon margarine ad “It’s not nice to fool (with) Mother Nature.” For now I’m content the weeklong local forecast does not once mention the “s” word. Cross your fingers that we’re rid of the... Read More

Unexpected Surprises

Posted on May 04, 2011
After months of planning and doubling back to check and re-check each and every detail, the Woodson Art Museum Members’ Philadelphia and Brandywine Valley trip took place in mid-April. Happily, the trip went off without a hitch . . . although I likely should let participants attest to that assessment.... Read More

Tea Party Appearance Marks One of Many Teen Mad Happenings

Posted on April 27, 2011
The Hatter and March Hare presided at a table set for tea last Thursday at the Woodson Art Museum. The table was a large one; it seated 27 guests, including the Hatter, March Hare, and Alice. Alice looked around the table to see the fanciful, inventive hats created by the... Read More

Nature’s Joke Sends Big Chill

Posted on April 20, 2011
Mother Nature has a good sense of humor. Just when you thought it was okay to put your cold weather gear away after a long dark winter, when all but a few patches of snow remained, central Wisconsin gets hit with yet another snow fall. On April 20, no less.... Read More

Teatime Connections

Posted on April 13, 2011
     Time and temperature are two keys to making the perfect cup of tea. That’s what I learned from Rishi Tea demonstrations presented this past weekend during the opening of Mad About Teapots: From the Racine Art Museum and Almost Alice: New Illustrations of Wonderland by Maggie Taylor, on view... Read More

Erin’s Adventures in Museumland

Posted on April 06, 2011
The Woodson Art Museum galleries are transforming this week. Good Design is being dismantled and Almost Alice: New Illustrations of Wonderland by Maggie Taylor and Mad About Teapots: From the Racine Art Museum are taking its place. Venturing into the galleries this week is a “down-the-rabbit-hole” experience; nothing is quite... Read More

Making Magic from the Museum’s Collection

Posted on March 30, 2011
The 2011 Student Art Exhibition has ended. It’s time to install a new exhibition from the Woodson Art Museum’s collection. I eagerly anticipate each change, which brings a new wall color, different artworks, and an entirely new feel to the galleries. With the opening of each collection exhibition I repeatedly... Read More

Design Time

Posted on March 23, 2011
Since the late January opening of Good Design: Stories from Herman Miller and It’s Herman Miller Time: Today’s Furniture Makers Respond, all of us at the Woodson Art Museum have been counting down to the launch of the Design Studio on March 22. The live-date has finally come, and without... Read More

Museum Partnerships Strengthen Community Tapestry

Posted on March 16, 2011
The Woodson Art Museum’s partnerships and public programs are an integral part of the community tapestry. An array of more than two dozen public programs for all ages are offered monthly to complement every exhibition: Art Babies, Art Time for Tots, Toddler Tuesday, Little Masters, Young Artists, Art Park Open... Read More

Art History 101 – A Monthly Dose to Boost Cultural Health

Posted on March 09, 2011
Last summer the Woodson Art Museum added a regular dose of art history to our events lineup. These noon-hour programs are designed to feature a different artist whose work complements the exhibition on view. That style then is woven into the hands-on projects planned for children in monthly Little Masters... Read More