Category Archives: Blog

Paving Paradise?

Posted on July 13, 2011
By Cindy Brzeski It may not be paradise we’re paving exactly, but we are putting up a parking lot! Yes, the noise, the felled trees, the silt fence, the heavy equipment, and the mud are all precursors to additional parking for Woodson Art Museum guests. No, there won’t be a... Read More

Summer Art Campers Mold Clay and Future Possibilities

Posted on July 06, 2011
Summer art camps are underway at the Woodson Art Museum, and youngsters are converging this week for Art From All Angles. Early Tuesday, children ages 10-11, clustered in the lobby swinging brightly colored lunchboxes before spending the day creating three-dimensional forms and figures with clay, plaster, and wire. They started... Read More

Wearing Many Hats

Posted on June 29, 2011
This week I take off the hat of curator and replace it with that of catalogue production assistant as I join the Woodson team responsible for the Birds in Art catalogue. My responsibility is the review of color proofs. This is a crucial step during which we try to synchronize... Read More

Like a Family

Posted on June 22, 2011
If you are a faithful reader of this blog, you have noticed that curator of education Erin Narloch is leaving the Woodson Art Museum and moving south of the Mason-Dixon Line with her husband and young son. It’s a transition for the Museum, considering all Erin did at the Woodson.... Read More

The Joy of Unknowns

Posted on June 15, 2011
In my work world, no two days are ever alike. That’s mostly a good thing. I never know what surprise or opportunity the next phone call might bring. If I can be flexible and open, the unknown can be filled with promise. Tom Howatt and Kathy Foley Such was the... Read More


Posted on June 08, 2011
   I look at my life as a journey, not always smooth and uneventful but full of exciting experiences. This journey is filled with many wonderful people, each bringing special meaning to my life.  One such person is Erin Narloch, a colleague and friend. During the past five years we... Read More

Stacking Paper with a Purpose

Posted on June 02, 2011
Last week, Amy Beck blogged about artist-in-residence Steven Siegel’s monumental paper sculpture underway in the Museum’s sculpture garden. I was fortunate to work with dozens of volunteers and Museum staff as we assisted Steven in the construction of his 30-foot-long sculpture, now complete.  Artist Steven Siegel and his Woodson... Read More

Repurposed Paper Message Morphs

Posted on May 24, 2011
Those who witness or volunteer to work on a sculpture rising from the earth amid the Woodson Art Museum sculpture garden likely will walk away from the experience with widely varying interpretations of the significance of the piece. And that’s entirely what sculptor-in-residence Steven Siegel expects. Siegel is leading a... Read More

Museum Roots Run Deep

Posted on May 18, 2011
I vividly remember accepting the position at the Woodson Art Museum. It was in July 2005, following my second interview; Kathy offered me the curator of education position and I enthusiastically accepted. I made it to the bottom of Franklin Street, before pulling over to call my mom, grandma, and... Read More

Spring, Oh Spring, Where Are You?

Posted on May 11, 2011
I desperately want to proclaim that spring has arrived in Wausau but distinctly remember the 1970 Chiffon margarine ad “It’s not nice to fool (with) Mother Nature.” For now I’m content the weeklong local forecast does not once mention the “s” word. Cross your fingers that we’re rid of the... Read More