Category Archives: Blog

Let Art Move You

Posted on February 08, 2012
We’re on the move at the Woodson Art Museum.   From yoga in the galleries and box step dance demonstrations complementing recent wooden boxes exhibitions to elephant exercises during an upcoming Carnival of the Animals-themed Toddler Tuesday, staff is folding movement into the mix. The reason is simple: moving is... Read More

Glass Artworks Are Wisconsin Icons, Too

Posted on February 01, 2012
Hank Murta Adams, Head with Rods,  1980 The state of Wisconsin lays claim to many icons: the Green Bay Packers, the moniker “cheeseheads,” the tagline “America’s Dairyland,” as well as such tasty foods as bratwurst and cheese. Another distinction belongs to the University of Wisconsin–Madison where in the fall of... Read More

Community Partnership Leads to Exciting Exhibition

Posted on January 25, 2012
Students, parents, teachers, families, and friends converged for one purpose on Friday, January 20 – student art. Over 200 art enthusiasts showed up to appreciate what the students created. It was wonderful to see parents take pride in their children by seeing their artwork on display at the WoodsonArt Museum.... Read More

A Community of Wood Enthusiasts

Posted on January 18, 2012
In my last blog post, I expressed my appreciation of wood and fine woodworking. The Museum’s winter exhibitions Boxes and Their Makers, and Think Inside the Box close after this weekend and we then shift our focus to the world of children’s book illustrator James Gurney’s Dinotopia where dinosaurs and... Read More

Cuba on My Mind

Posted on January 11, 2012
Is Cuba on your bucket list? Have you long wished that it was possible to travel to Cuba? If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you likely know that the Obama Administration has made it possible for organizations such as museums, colleges, and universities to undertake travel programs to... Read More

Christmas Day Owling

Posted on January 04, 2012
The emails had been flying back and forth. My parents and I were planning my Christmas trip home to Chicago, sharing links to museum exhibitions, movies, and restaurants we wanted to check out. One special emailed story got me particularly excited to return home: a snowy owl had been spotted... Read More

Christmas on Washington Island

Posted on December 28, 2011
By Matt Foss I’m from Washington Island, Wisconsin. For those of you who don’t know, Washington Island is a small island located off the Door County Peninsula in the northeast part of the state. It’s a community of only 700 year-round residents and boasts the smallest school district in Wisconsin.... Read More

Changing Traditions

Posted on December 21, 2011
I recently spoke with my maternal aunt, Ruth Ann. Among the many things we discussed, one that struck a note for both of us was holiday baking. It was a tradition passed on from my grandmother, who used her considerable baking skills to make gifts for family and friends.  My... Read More

Woodson Art Museum Teen Art Council

Posted on December 14, 2011
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . . .” In reality, it has not been long ago and it’s in this galaxy that the Teen Art Council or TAC, for short, was formed. This is TAC’s second year and the council members have great energy... Read More

Wood You, if You Could? I Wood!

Posted on December 07, 2011
I’ve always enjoyed working with wood, whether helping my father finish our basement while in grade school, turning a wooden bowl in junior high shop class, or years later building display cases and crates for the Museum. I guess I’ve always enjoyed working with my hands.   Ray JonesOmega... Read More