Category Archives: Blog

Accessibility at the Woodson Art Museum

Posted on April 18, 2012
Individuals who are blind or visually impaired want the same things from art museum visits as other visitors. They want places to interact socially, learn about art history, and meet artists and learn about processes. They also want to enjoy their surroundings. This was the message gleaned from five guests,... Read More

Shop on Line; Help the Museum’s Bottom Line

Posted on April 11, 2012
By Mary BorowskiBusiness Manager, Mary Borowski here, offering my first guest-blog post. As you might expect, I have a finance-related tip. With Mother’s Day, graduation, and Father’s Day gift giving on the horizon, I can suggest a great way to shop and help the Woodson Art Museum, too. Online shopping... Read More

Crystal Clear at Crystal Bridges

Posted on April 04, 2012
For many months, I have looked forward to my visit to Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas, along with a group of Woodson Art Museum members. This eagerly awaited visit occurred last Thursday, March 29, and in a word, it was awesome! Without exception, my Crystal Bridges... Read More

Woodson on Wheels

Posted on March 28, 2012
Sometimes it feels like sneaking away from the office. Often, it doesn’t feel like work at all. No, I’m not referring to a business lunch (alright, milkshake) at the Mint Café, nor the frequent shopping trips for art supplies. The midday getaway is more commonly known as “after-school outreach,” when... Read More

It’s No Mystery – Teens Are Super Sleuths

Posted on March 21, 2012
Teens who attended the Mystery Party Friday night at the Woodson Art Museum delved into role-playing improvisation and honed their sleuthing skills as they tried to solve the crime of the evening – the disappearance of a pink dinosaur guest. If you’ve ever played the board game Clue™, you’ve got... Read More

Thirty-five Years and Going Strong

Posted on March 13, 2012
In April 1979, during my interview for a position at the Woodson Art Museum, I had a brief glimpse of that year’s Student Art Exhibition as it was being sorted and packed for return to the dozens of art teachers who entered their students’ work. I stood awestruck in a... Read More

Celebrate Youth Art Month

Posted on March 08, 2012
March is Youth Art Month and the Woodson Art Museum is celebrating in many ways. Last weekend, the Museum hosted a reception for the opening of the 35th annual Student Art Exhibition showcasing artwork of north central Wisconsin students in grades 9-12. Visitors congratulated and supported the next generation of... Read More

Honey, I Shrunk the Staff! Adventures in Museum Audio Tours

Posted on March 01, 2012
Have you used an audio tour to enhance your visit to an art museum? In 2007, the Woodson Art Museum purchased MP3 players, headphones, and began using free audio-editing software to offer visitors insights into changing exhibitions. Visitors embraced these self-touring units and today our audio tours are an integral... Read More

What Luck!

Posted on February 22, 2012
I always look forward to the third week or so of February when the days are noticeably longer and the sunsets visible from the Woodson Art Museum’s second floor offices are indescribably magnificent. For many years, these late February days have provided watershed moments, so to speak, when I feel... Read More

A Dinosaur Love Affair

Posted on February 15, 2012
Did you go through a dinosaur phase as a kid? Or, like me, did you never grow out of it? Visitors to the Woodson Art Museum are finding their love of dinosaurs to be stronger than ever. The key to re-igniting this passion for our long-extinct love interests is James... Read More