Category Archives: Blog

That Time of Year

Posted on June 27, 2012
And, I have artists’ statements on my mind! * 125 of them to be precise. Why? It’s Birds in Artcatalogue production time and that means everyone at the Woodson Art Museum – as well as the 125 artists included in the 2012 exhibition – is working fast and furiously to... Read More

Everything’s Coming Up Roses

Posted on June 20, 2012
I’ve got botanicals on my mind! Three botanical art-themed exhibitions – Botanicals: Environmental Expressions in Art; Rhythm of Life: Watercolors by Richard Bolingbroke; and Nature Observed: Wendy Brockman Watercolors – will fill the Museum’s galleries from June 23 through August 26.   I’m focused on docent training, which takes place... Read More

Make a Father’s Day Memory at the Woodson Art Museum

Posted on June 13, 2012
What do you remember about seeing NASA countdowns to liftoff, moon landings, and splashdowns? Since my dad’s birthday last weekend, I’ve been thinking I’d like to ask him. But this Sunday will be the first Father’s Day without him; a year ago, I think we all took for granted that... Read More

A Curator’s Delight

Posted on June 06, 2012
I love being a curator. After thirty-three years, each day is still a surprise, the challenges a thrill (if not daunting), and the rewards unending. Take yesterday as one of my “typical” days. Awaiting me was a recently delivered package that contained a beautiful pencil sketch, a gift for the... Read More

Hiccup Rx: Spoonful of Sugar or Hold Breath?

Posted on May 30, 2012
During the course of a major construction project a few hiccups can be inevitable. In fact, some construction projects are beset by hiccups, as was the Looney Tunes stork, who hiccupped throughout his delivery of new arrivals. Luckily for the Woodson Art Museum, the weather has been cooperative, the Samuels... Read More

Exploring New Frontiers in Technology

Posted on May 23, 2012
Adopting a new technology can be both daunting and exciting. Recently Woodson Art Museum staff decided to switch from offering audio tours on simple MP3 players to the more flexible iPod Touch devices. The Museum’s current audio tours, which have been offered for a few years, require visitors to follow... Read More

Birds of a Feather

Posted on May 16, 2012
May is high anxiety time at the Woodson Art Museum. This is true not only for staff, but also for the close to 600 artists who submit artwork for consideration for the Museum’s Birds in Art exhibition. Like college acceptance letters of years past, the Museum formerly notified artists via... Read More

Rites of Passage

Posted on May 09, 2012
There are a few unofficial “rites of passage” for a young museum professional. My unofficial list includes:  ·      A quirky white elephant gift exchange at a staff holiday party (check!) ·      Road trips with colleagues (check, check, and check!) ·      Smoothly distributing your business card at events and networking (I’m... Read More

7th Congressional District Art Competition

Posted on May 02, 2012
As part of the 2012 Art Competition Advisory Council, I had the honor Monday of judging the 7th Congressional District Art Competition at Congressman Sean Duffy’s Wausau office. My fellow jurors included: Betsy Tannenbaum, New Visions Gallery; Deborah Janz, LuCille Tack Center for the Arts; Patricia Lenz, Superior Council for... Read More

Museum Is Honored to Honor Veterans’ Spouses

Posted on April 25, 2012
A friend calls tears “liquid love.” I certainly found myself welling up several times Monday during the second Honor Flight luncheon the Woodson Art Museum has hosted for the spouses of veterans traveling and touring war memorials in Washington DC. What an emotion-saturated day it must be for these couples.... Read More