Category Archives: Blog

Discovering Cuba

Posted on November 14, 2012
On Wednesday, October 31, fifteen intrepid Woodson Art Museum travelers and I departed for Havana from Miami on a charter flight. Two additional members of our group, delayed by Hurricane Sandy, caught up with us the next day. Thanks to a People-to-People license for travel to Cuba, the Woodson Art... Read More

A Window on Woodcarving

Posted on November 06, 2012
The three-day Wildfowl Woodcarving Workshop taught by northern Illinois woodcarver and veteran teacher Bob Guge, November 2 – 4, mesmerized Woodson Art Museum visitors who dropped in to watch the nine participants working on their projects. “Visitors walked around and were awed by it,” said workshop participant Susan Meyer, adding... Read More

A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience!

Posted on October 31, 2012
by Mary Borowski, business manager On September 24 I had the honor of accompanying my father, a 91-year-old World War II Navy veteran, to Washington D.C. on the Never Forgotten Honor Flight. I also was privileged to serve as a guardian for a second World War II Veteran.

A Day in the Life . . .

Posted on October 24, 2012
From evening news interviews to acrylic paint smeared across your backside, the life of a Woodson Art Museum educator is a charmed but chaotic one. The proverbial “it’s all in a day’s work” feels appropriate after many a busy day at the Museum. Tuesday, October 23 was no exception. Yesterday... Read More

Inspiration, Seared Indelibly

Posted on October 17, 2012
The art of pyrography is more than wood burning. An artist uses a tool – heated to as high as 1,000 degrees! – to scorch the surface of natural materials such as wood, paper, gourds, or leather. With the same price of admission – always free – Woodson Art Museum... Read More

Is This Really Work?

Posted on October 10, 2012
I’ve written this before, but it bears repeating. I love my job! Who wouldn’t? I work with an amazingly talented group of people, I am surrounded by beautiful artwork, and now we have a state-of-the-art building addition in which to display and store the Woodson Art Museum’s permanent collection. Pinch... Read More

Woodson Art Museum Extends the Classroom

Posted on October 03, 2012
“Tell me, and I forget.  Show me, and I remember. Involve me, and I understand.” This saying comes to mind when I share the importance of museums as an extension of the classroom. During class visits to the Woodson Art Museum, students acquire skills and knowledge necessary for success. Students... Read More

App Gets Two Thumbs Up!

Posted on September 26, 2012
With Birds in Art in its third week, many of the visiting artists have returned to their solitary lives in their studios, planning for next year’s entries. Like the artists, Woodson Art Museum staff members also have moved on to other projects as well as planning for next year’s Birds... Read More

Bright-eyed and Bushy-tailed: A Newbie’s Take on Birds in Art

Posted on September 12, 2012
I survived. The Birds in Art opening festivities served as my institutional initiation, and I can now say with confidence that I’m a part of the Woodson Art Museum family. It all began to sink in Friday – how truly special Birds in Art is and what this annual exhibition... Read More