Category Archives: Blog

Plenty to See Here

Posted on August 30, 2023
While it may seem like we are “gearing up” for something bigger and better than what is on view during the next two weeks, don’t be fooled. There is always something special to see at the Woodson Art Museum.

Evolving Traditions

Posted on August 23, 2023
Not unlike the Allenton Parade, the 2023 Birds in Art exhibition and Preview Experience has evolved in many ways over the course of its 48-year lifetime.

Graduated to “Big Girl” Status

Posted on August 16, 2023
I was on winter break of my senior year at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire when I first came across the job listing for the marketing and communication manager position at the Woodson Art Museum. It was easily the most intriguing job I came across during my post-college career job hunt.

Summer Reflections

Posted on August 09, 2023
Ten weeks have zipped by, and now I have a moment to pause and reflect on my experience before wrapping up. I am proud to share that I made headway on all of them and then some.

Emily’s New Groove

Posted on August 02, 2023
Although this introduction is not about how a disgruntled employee turns me into a llama and I learn the true meaning of life, it is an introduction about how within weeks at the end of my 20s, everything just fell into place. I left classroom teaching, and I landed here. The Woodson Art Museum. Who would have thought?

30 Feet of Perspective

Posted on July 26, 2023
When I have a brush in my hand while painting a set for a theatre production... there's no need to focus too close on every little stroke of paint because the eye won’t perceive them as mistakes from 30 feet away.

No Shortage of Summer Activities

Posted on July 19, 2023
While the summer months are ticking away, time feels like it’s flying because of all the exciting programs the Woodson Art Museum has to offer.

Between the Lines

Posted on July 12, 2023
In all my years of playing baseball, I can safely say that my museum work has never intertwined with my play on the field.

Habitats That Feed in More Ways Than Just One

Posted on July 05, 2023
When you work at a museum that’s collection specializes in avian art, you grow a fondness for and knowledge of birds. Though I’ve always had a love for plants, before working at the Woodson Art Museum, I didn’t think that I would have such fun creating a diverse habitat for birds through landscaping in my yard.

Three Cheers to Volunteers

Posted on June 28, 2023
This past Monday we were fortunate to celebrate our greeters and docents with a warm welcome at the Glass Box Studio for food, refreshments, and camaraderie. With schedules that might not overlap, volunteers and staff had time to catch up and enjoy each other’s company.