Category Archives: Blog

A Picture-Perfect Finish

Posted on November 15, 2023
What signs signal that it's the time to draw a story to a close? When is a composition finished? Explore how these 'endings' feature in the upcoming exhibition From Concept to Canvas: The Artistic Process, opening December 9.

Who is Your “Why”?

Posted on November 08, 2023
SPARK!, a free monthly offering to members of the community with memory loss and their care partners, has helped to "spark" our why here at the Museum. After attending a conference in Oshkosh last week, I was reminded of why focusing on the "why" is so impactful, especially when sharing it with a room full of unfamiliar faces.

We See You, Out There, Attending

Posted on November 01, 2023
Lately, the Woodson Art Museum galleries have been hopping with visitors from school groups looking to enrich their education with art opportunities to friends making their annual pilgrimage to Wausau to see this year’s edition of Birds in Art and maybe peek at our beautiful fall coloring.

Worth the Trip

Posted on October 25, 2023
After being in two very different, yet equally immersive spaces, I feel re-motivated to help bring these types of experiences to as many people as possible in central Wisconsin and beyond. Western Massachusetts will probably be a place I return to again and again to find new motivation and inspiration when the need arises. Traveling through the quaint and historic towns on the way to two great museums is always worth the trip.

If You Give a Dad a Story

Posted on October 18, 2023
As a voracious reader and lifelong learner myself, it’s personally rewarding for me to help children get interested in reading at a young age.

“Leaf” It to the Painter

Posted on October 11, 2023
Ariana’s enthusiasm for art making is contagious and I hope you can find time in your schedule to visit the Museum and take advantage of our exciting fall programming to enrich your creative senses.

Duck, Duck, Exhibition Design

Posted on September 27, 2023
Exhibitions like The Real Decoy use design to help to tell their story and capture the audience's interest. Read about how small design elements add up to something big!

A Season for Celebration

Posted on September 20, 2023
As I approach the four-month mark here at the museum, there is much to celebrate both in my personal life and professional life.

Our Many Thanks

Posted on September 13, 2023
Over the four days of the Birds in Art Opening Experience, starting with the Members Preview on Thursday and Friday, September 7 and 8 there were 1,677 smiling faces including those of 58 exhibiting artists and their numerous guests

A Unique Point of View

Posted on September 06, 2023
As I started working on the 2023 Birds in Art catalogue – my largest project at the Museum so far – I quickly realized that I couldn’t have dreamt of getting a better chance to highlight 2023 Master Wildlife Artist Paul Rhymer’s point of view than this.