Category Archives: Blog
Inspiration from a Centenarian
Posted on July 01, 2020
Among the first visitors to the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum during our soft re-opening was a member who took delight in telling me how she couldn’t wait to return to her favorite museum.
Posted on June 24, 2020
Viewing the summer exhibition, celebrating indigenous art of India, I hark back several decades to undergraduate religious studies courses. Though once well-versed in tenets, truths, sacred texts, and iconography, I now only retain oversimplifications of Western and Eastern philosophy and world religions. Dinner conversation with my young adult children is all the proof I need that nimble, nuanced, discourse will atrophy if not exercised. Their arguments are elegant and substantial; mine have morphed into easy-breezy recollections.
We Miss YOU!
Posted on June 17, 2020
It’s been a long – and quiet – twelve weeks. For everyone, including for the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum.
Although the Museum staff continued to work remotely since mid-March and more recently back in the office – appropriately socially distanced, of course – and despite the extensive, rich content available on our website and via social media, a big something has been missing.
When Cranes Call, You Answer
Posted on June 10, 2020
Alright, fine; I can’t communicate with cranes. When I say “cranes,” I mean people who work with cranes, which is close enough for me when it comes to blog titles.
The crane-loving colleagues of whom I speak are none other than dedicated staff members at the International Crane Foundation.
Art of the Hunt
Posted on June 03, 2020
It’s not a secret; I love working at the Woodson Art Museum. What’s not to love? Each day I’m with fabulous colleagues, in a beautiful facility, surrounded by stunning artworks. Working with the Museum’s collection of thousands of historic and contemporary paintings, works on paper, and sculpture throughout forty years, I’ve curated more than 100 exhibitions.
Where do I get the themes and how do I choose the artworks? That’s the challenge and joy. Rather than a recipe, it’s more like a jig-saw puzzle. The exhibition idea “picture” is there; getting the pieces in the right place is the goal.
A Tale of Two Bird Savers
Posted on May 27, 2020
Whether a planned project or a chance encounter, saving birds is always worthwhile.
Posted on May 20, 2020
As far back as I can remember, I’ve been a fan of Ken Burns documentaries. It was surprising, and a little uplifting, that my own kids recently were interested in and enjoyed watching the majority of The Roosevelts. I can only hope my kids will become great leaders themselves one day. They already carry big sticks. They just need to work on speaking softly.
Remembering Denver Hayes
Posted on May 13, 2020
We’re grateful for Denver’s commitment to the Woodson, its staff, and visitors, and we extend our heartfelt sympathies to his family.
Extended Distractions
Posted on May 06, 2020
Working from home while many “safer-at-home” orders remain in effect, I employ a coping strategy suggested by many mental health specialists – distraction. I imagine art I wish to experience in person in a gallery and think especially of the Woodson Art Museum’s collection.
Just a Little Off the Top
Posted on April 29, 2020
Because of Wisconsin’s “Safer at Home” order, barbershops are closed until late May. I needed a haircut, bad.
Catie, who enjoys a good adventure, and was given assurance by me that I would not pass judgement on the final product, agreed to take the shears to the thicket atop my head.