Category Archives: Blog

Elementary . . .

Posted on December 09, 2020
Who doesn’t love a good mystery?

Change Is Good

Posted on December 02, 2020
As the calendar page turns to December, in a typical year I would be preparing for an annual Christmas cookie-baking weekend. A few friends and family would come together for three days to bake dozens of cookies which, ultimately, we give away. It’s my favorite holiday tradition. This year, thinking positively that change is good, holiday baking will be different. There will be delicious cookies, yet just not as many as in the past. Instead of thirty different varieties of holiday treats, I’ll prepare just a few. I’m thinking of challenging myself with more difficult recipes that might fail, versus the tried and true.

Treasures Redefined

Posted on November 25, 2020
For a daily mini-escape, I stream and watch past episodes of Antiques Roadshow – the U.K. version. In its forty-one seasons, the British show’s format is the same as the U.S. version. People bring objects, seeking an expert’s appraisal, a discussion of provenance or history of ownership, and estimated auction value. Participants vary, from treasure hunters trawling secondhand stores for the once-in-a-lifetime find to individuals inheriting an antique of which they know little or those with cherished memories.

It Takes More Than a Village

Posted on November 18, 2020
To receive a Distinguished Career Award is so much more than the tangible gift I will cherish. The recognition caps my deep love for the work I have been privileged to do for almost forty years. My gratitude to the Woodson Art Museum “village” and to the community of Midwest museums is boundless.

Which Room Would You Choose?

Posted on November 11, 2020
The Woodson Art Museum has a new addition to its campus perched along North 12th Street. You might think it’s a birdhouse; it’s not, yet it does have roosts and portals to peek through and discover surprises inside. Although not a library, it does contain books ready for you to read or ideas to inspire a new creation. It’s the Stop-by Studio, filled with free Art Kits and books for all to keep or share.

Extending Birds in Art Possibilities

Posted on November 04, 2020
Aware of the popularity and importance of Birds in Art, the Museum made the decision to reschedule the winter exhibitions, The Global Language of Headwear: Cultural Identity, Rites of Passage & Spirituality and the concurrent Stormy Kromer: Evolution of a Classic, and extend Birds in Art into late February 2021. This potentially allows additional time for visitors to experience the 45th edition of Birds in Art, provided the pandemic allows a timely reopening.

Something to Talk About

Posted on October 28, 2020
Finding benign, lighthearted topics of conversation isn’t easy these days. There is much to talk about, but most is heavy and disheartening. I didn’t realize how much small talk – or at least the Midwestern variety – relies on shared experience or daily social interaction.

Making Time for the Little Things

Posted on October 21, 2020
Art projects – no matter how small or silly – are the most fulfilling activities when I feel overwhelmed and, of course, offer of a mental health boost. I’m fortunate and grateful to work at the Woodson Art Museum with creative and compassionate coworkers who not only indulge my occasionally – alright, frequently – odd habits, but often encourage them. This blog post is about one such instance.

A Standing Ovation for a Shining Career

Posted on October 14, 2020
After years of deflecting the spotlight away from herself and, instead, toward the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, director Kathy Kelsey Foley is being ushered to center stage. Kathy is receiving the Association of Midwest Museum’s Distinguished Career Award for her significant contributions to the museum field.

Changing with the Times

Posted on October 07, 2020
The opening of Birds in Art, although missing artists, guests, and events of previous years, was a comfort. It is a delight to walk through the galleries and appreciate the beautifully displayed artworks created by amazingly talented artists. Even though artists were not physically at the Museum, shared emails, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts helped serve as substitutes. Happily, four artists and families did visit, which was a highlight of the subdued opening.