Category Archives: Blog

New Year, New Experiences

Posted on January 19, 2022
As Jake (my husband) and I are planning for a year full of new, challenging, and rewarding experiences with Moose (our new rescue puppy), I’m also preparing for plenty of new experiences at the Woodson Art Museum.

Fan (of) Mail

Posted on January 12, 2022
I’m a mail fanatic. Like a bloodhound with a ribeye in the air, I can sense when the mail is close to being delivered.

Delights from the Driftless

Posted on January 05, 2022
The Driftless area in southwestern Wisconsin makes for a picturesque setting to spend the holidays and serves as a backdrop for visiting artist artist S.V. (Sue) Medaris, who shares relief-printing insights during programs this week.

Motivated to Meet in the Middle

Posted on December 29, 2021
Visitors are making out-of-state road-trip to meet in the middle at the Woodson Art Museum for fun with friends and family. As you think about possibilities for creative visits to experience the artwork of Christian Robinson, American Woodblock Prints, and the Museum’s collection exhibitions, what might you do?

Cutting into History

Posted on December 22, 2021
Drawn in first by our visual instincts, what ultimately unfolds before our eyes is a microcosm of the story of American art, a brief history of the twentieth century in America contained on the wooden block. The exhibition’s artworks – at once precise, kinetic, gentle, and bold – capture the prevalent trends of American woodblock makers during a period spanning from 1910 to 1992.

Hand in Hand

Posted on December 15, 2021
Random acts of kindness have the potential to pay unimaginable dividends . . . new friendships, new perspectives, and more. What might you do this holiday season to make a connection or brighten someone’s day?

Where Books Are Found

Posted on December 08, 2021
For months, Christian Robinson’s illustrated children’s books have circulated among the Woodson Art Museum staff. We’ve marveled over how the mark making and cut-out simple shapes come together with artistry to tell stories that value different perspectives.

Frozen Tundra First Timer

Posted on December 01, 2021
There’s nothing like seeing Lambeau Field for the first time.

In-Between Times & Possibilities

Posted on November 24, 2021
When I first visited the Woodson Art Museum in September to interview for the curator of collections position, I was struck by John Felsing’s Ghost in the Twilight, now on view in the Avian Celebrations exhibition.

Cherishing the Small Moments

Posted on November 17, 2021
Even though my new position and relocation to the area has kept me quite busy, I'm still taking time to appreciate those moments that bring smiles to our team around the Museum and classroom.