Category Archives: Blog
Generation IV: Horizontal Catalogue
Posted on August 17, 2022
Each year, as soon as the Birds in Art jurors select artworks, work on the catalogue begins. Before the catalogue is printed, bound, and delivered to the Woodson Art Museum, the text goes through multiple edits, the images are color proofed to match the artworks in the gallery, and the design is scrutinized for accuracy. All 126 pages come together in three short months by our nimble team at the Museum.
Cultivating Creativity All Summer
Posted on August 10, 2022
This summer, Woodson Art Museum galleries highlight a bountiful harvest. Throughout two exhibitions, visitors point out favorites and marvel at detailed, realistic depictions and figments of artistic imaginings, too. No matter how your garden grows, nourish your creativity with visits soon and often while botanical art remains on view through Sunday, August 28.
Nurturing Creative Possibilities
Posted on August 03, 2022
The Ginny Ruffner: Reforestation of the Imagination exhibition opens up a world of creative opportunity for students, leading to questions like “Can I combine a cantaloupe and a watermelon?” or “What about a strawberry and a cactus . . . a pineapple and zucchini?”
Summer Art Session Success
Posted on July 27, 2022
Mid-July marked the return of the Woodson Art Museum’s popular Summer Art Sessions for young artists ages five through eight and nine through twelve.
Abundant Future’s cultivated plant subjects and artist Ginny Ruffner’s imagined botanical landscape served as inspiration for half-day sessions of art making in the Museum’s classroom studio and sculpture garden. The younger “Micro-Greens” worked in two-dimensions while older participants focused on three-dimensional projects.
“Face Lift” Keeps Museum Fit
Posted on July 20, 2022
Working in a place that used to be someone’s home can be a fun and challenging experience
The Joy of Subtle Essentials
Posted on July 13, 2022
Recently, curator of exhibitions Shannon Pueschner and I had the opportunity to go to the Center for Collections Care at Beloit College. While there, we took a four-day intensive course on matting. Peek at all the processes below to see just how big an impact such a "small" feature can make!
Art in the Open Air
Posted on July 06, 2022
Sure to lift and refresh spirits like a cool glass of water on a hot summer day, visit to drink in open-air art experiences and many other options at the Museum soon and often.
Three Cheers for Woodson Art Museum Docents
Posted on June 29, 2022
On Monday – a gloriously beautiful, low-humidity summer day – docents and staff gathered for a Noon-time celebration on the Museum’s Rooftop Sculpture Garden.
We enjoyed one another’s company and staff expressed gratitude for docents’ commitment of time and their enthusiasm for the Woodson Art Museum.
Upgrade on Service
Posted on June 22, 2022
In the staff offices upstairs at the Woodson Art Museum, there has been a major undertaking to implement a new software solution.
School’s Out; Summer’s In
Posted on June 15, 2022
The galleries and grounds are blooming with various botanicals, and Museum programming is blossoming again. I am looking forward to a bustling summer calendar with no homework assignments or gradebooks in sight.